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web explorer fixes #56

Open kbagstad opened 12 years ago

kbagstad commented 12 years ago

@fvilla @bvoigt @lambdatronic (cc'ing Brian and Gary so you're aware of this list too, plus Brian needs to include storyline elements for Tanzania and Veracruz water models)

General issues

Carbon storyline

Aesthetic viewshed storyline

Fisheries storyline

Coastal protection storyline

Water supply storyline

Sediment regulation storyline

kbagstad commented 12 years ago

Two general interface issues raised by stakeholders in Puget Sound at our meetings last week, where I demo'ed ARIES carbon, which for the most part went smoothly:

  1. The eyeball icon that you click on to highlight which parts of the world have coverage for that particular service is kind of a non-intuitive choice for what it does. Plus it looks kind of creepy when it turns red. What about using a magnifying glass icon instead (everyone who's ever zoomed in knows what that does)?
  2. I think I finally understand why a large number of people who look at the storylines think that ARIES is just a GIS data viewer. While I stressed the importance of carefully reading through the whole set of maps included in each storyline, it would be helpful if the outputs were somehow grouped/labeled as input data, source/sink/use outputs, or flow outputs (this is in the thumbnail maps at the bottom of the storyline explorer). If you have other ideas on how to make this more obvious that would be great but I think this is one way.
kbagstad commented 12 years ago

And one other: how complex to include a feature that notifies the user when their results are ready? If it's simple, perhaps good to include with the beta, if not, then save it for later. But for the big, computational-intensive flow models, we may need to better communicate with the user not to expect their results in 30 sec (common sense for us, but users may be impatient and I think user notification is the best way to ultimately get there).