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passing data to flow models using scenarios #61

Closed kbagstad closed 12 years ago

kbagstad commented 12 years ago


So the baseline viewshed flow models for Puget Sound work just fine (e.g., model -o core.models.aesthetic-view-puget/view core.contexts.puget/viewshed). However, when I try to run a scenario (either model -o -s core.models.aesthetic-view-puget/constrained-development-viewshed core.models.aesthetic-view-puget/view core.contexts.puget/viewshed or model -o -s core.models.aesthetic-view-puget/open-development-viewshed core.models.aesthetic-view-puget/view core.contexts.puget/viewshed) I get the error "java.lang.Exception: Unrecognized datasource type:" which in the stack trace shows up as the typical problem with the altitude layer (in this case) not getting properly passed to the SPAN model.

This is weird, because it's consistent behavior when I run the scenarios over and over (i.e., less likely to just be a geoserver hiccup) and also because the altitude layer is obviously already pulled in and used in one of the model's underlying BNs to estimate the presence of mountains. Would be good to test and see if you can replicate this behavior (I've discussed it with Gary already).

fvilla commented 12 years ago

Fixed (in thinklab). Odd event of scenarios modifying the original concept to avoid semantic conflict, but not leaving the original one in the output. States are now duplicated in output in this case, so that there will be two identical altitudes in the dataset.