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rec model broken, pload problems #7

Closed kbagstad closed 13 years ago

kbagstad commented 13 years ago

Great news, I broke the rec model, and ARIES won't pload. Problem: testing ARIES on huginn means I need to commit prior to testing, I should develop my own test branch and I guess that's the next step. In the meantime I'm getting a nasty stack trace related to recreation.san.pedro: relevant part is "java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: is? in this context" in the scenarios (though it's directly cut-and-pasted from the carbon scenarios, which at least pload OK even if they don't work properly). Have stared at the code for an hour with no obvious problems/fixes I can see on my end.

Another day closer to deadlines, still minimal progress on the San Pedro report or Puget Sound results. Sigh.

I'll just keep on breaking everything I touch, from here on out...


fvilla commented 13 years ago

resolved - syntax errors are not bugs.