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Scenarios: closer but not there yet #9

Closed kbagstad closed 13 years ago

kbagstad commented 13 years ago

OK, so the San Pedro scenarios now correctly read in the entire development layer. However, they're not actually transforming any of the data, as they should, so still not working! As an example, try:

model -o /raid/nc_outputs/june_11/ -s core.models.carbon-san-pedro/open-development-carbon core.models.carbon-san-pedro/sink core.contexts.beta/san_pedro_us512


model -o /raid/nc_outputs/june_11/ core.models.carbon-san-pedro/sink-new core.contexts.beta/san_pedro_us512

The model -o version correctly applies no fire frequency to all developed land, while the model -s version doesn't! I'd attach an image but I've heard those are worthless, so hopefully the explanation is clear enough.

fvilla commented 13 years ago

All my testing with that family of models was successful, and the commands above use different models so there's no comparison possible. Closing this one, open another if more problems.