ariovistus / aurelia-mask

port of ui-mask to aurelia
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Load aurelia-mask on a aurelia-cli(0.26.1) project #10

Open renathoaz opened 7 years ago

renathoaz commented 7 years ago

Hello guys, I'm facing an issue on using aurelia-mask in a aurelia-cli (0.26.1) project.

I tried a lot of ways to load the aurelia-mask, but it throws errors like this:

  <require from="../node_modules/aurelia-mask/dist/masked-input"></require>

The error: selecao_020

But I managed to use aurelia-mask only by using this way on aurelia.json

              "name": "masker",
              "path": "../node_modules/aurelia-mask/dist/masker"
              "name": "aurelia-mask",
              "path": "../node_modules/aurelia-mask/dist/masked-input"

Note if not include masker file it throws errors.

But I don't know why the masked-input.ts file overrides vendor-bundle.js on console as it follows: selecao_018

somebody can help to solve this, is there any proper way to include it on a cli project? Why is it overriding vendor-bundle.js on the console, indicating the line 609 ?

ariovistus commented 7 years ago

just tried using aurelia mask with aurelia-cli.

au install aurelia-mask

then in my template,

<require from="aurelia-mask"></require>

and it works for me. In the aurelia.json, it deposited this:

            "name": "aurelia-mask",
            "main": "masked-input",
            "path": "../node_modules/aurelia-mask/dist",
            "resources": []
renathoaz commented 7 years ago

@ariovistus This is the best way to laod aurelia-mask, but I don't know why when aurelia-mask is on aurelia.json and you run the app, if you open dev tools and look into console, it indicates the masker.ts and not the vendor-bundle.js, why that's happening ? is it a bug in aurelia or in aurelia-mask ? Look:

With aurelia-mask: selecao_023

Without aurelia-mask:


ariovistus commented 7 years ago

no idea. it doesn't do that for me.

renathoaz commented 7 years ago

@ariovistus can you send me your example ? it would help me to figure out what's going on.

ariovistus commented 7 years ago

here you go:

renathoaz commented 7 years ago

@ariovistus thank you for the sample. Well I cloned the repo, and ran the example. The console log goes like this:

captura de tela de 2017-03-18 18 33 02

It still indicates masker.ts on log console when it should point to vendor-bundle.js. is it a bug? On the image above the console.log points to masker.ts on line 375 but it should point to vendor-bundle.js on its respective lines. is it happens to you on your browser ?

An update: the above behavior only happens on chrome. I tested it on firefox and it shows the vendor-bundle normally.

ariovistus commented 7 years ago

oh you're using chrome. Yup I get the same behavior. That would be the source mapping pointing the debugger at masker.ts. Which it probably shouldn't be doing. Could be a bug in chrome, or a bug in aurelia-cli, or a misconfiguration in my build.

ariovistus commented 6 years ago

I looked into this just now on a slightly different but probably equivalent example.

What is happening is my typescript build is generating .js and from the .ts. the mapping contains mappings like masked-input.ts line 1 -> masked-input.js line 11 encoded in some nasty unreadable format. the cli builder plunks my masked-input.js into vendor-bundle.js (and perhaps minifies it), and plunks into verbatim, which is invalid, because line 11 of masked-input.js is actually line 6011 (or whatever) in vendor-bundle.js

What needs to happen is the cli needs to update my source maps before incorporating them into its source maps. I do not know if it is capable of doing this now, and I'm lacking proper configuration, or if it's just busted

* irl its column based, but this is for illustration