ariselseng / camerarawpreviews

Camera Raw Previews app for Nextcloud
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
53 stars 11 forks source link

exif_read_data errors - Illegal format code #32

Closed dennorske closed 5 years ago

dennorske commented 5 years ago

exif_read_data(DSC_0114.NEF): Process tag(x0003=UndefinedTa): Illegal pointer offset(x0003 < xA2221002) at /var/snap/nextcloud/12753/nextcloud/extra-apps/metadata/lib/Controller/MetadataController.php#215

I get a bunch of these and no previews ever worked on my installation. i am running nextcloud as a snap.

Memory limit is around 16 gb, imagemagic has been installed. Any idea what I can do to test/make it work for my lovely .NEF pictures? :)

ariselseng commented 5 years ago

If you send me a sample I can have a look;)

dennorske commented 5 years ago

Here is the exact file as described above. Picture shows Tromsø's bridge (Norsk wohoo)

Will expire tomorrow

ariselseng commented 5 years ago

@dennorske Seems to be a snap issue. Maybe some kind of snap permissions issue or SELinux issue. It works great here using docker. I can test this in time, but not before at least a week I think.

dennorske commented 5 years ago

@cowai alrighty, take your time. I'd be happy to help with logs etc. if you need. Keep me updated :)

dennorske commented 5 years ago

hi @cowai! I hope you are doing well :) Any news on the testing, and is there anything else i can provide?

ariselseng commented 5 years ago

No news yet. I think I will be able to test this weekend.

ariselseng commented 5 years ago

@dennorske I tried it now. It seems to work without issues? I did these steps on arch (and this is maybe the problem. No SELinux):

Can you confirm that use tried this app by doing something like these steps?


$ sudo snap install nextcloud

2: created a admin user with default settings in the web ui.

3: installed camera raw previews with the web ui

4: uploaded a raw file.

5: everything works without any issues in the logs.

dennorske commented 5 years ago

I am sorry for the long response time here. I ended up moving over to the normal install of nextcloud, as i needed to configure it to my needs much easier. There i reinstalled my apps. And Voila!

I can now see all the raws be processed and shown thumbnails for, and I can even preview the files in the web-browser which is great. Thanks, I am closing this issue for now.

If other people face the same issue, I will be helping out with research - but for now I am letting it be since it works. Great job with the app, glad it exists :)