I tried pretty much every possible thing I came up with to stop it but...
Once called "createClient(mAddressMac) it starts a new Thread, which constantly tries to establish connection with chosen device. I found myself helpless in stopping it.
As I read into you library it should stop when disconnectClient() or even resetClient() is called but it won't. It keeps trying to establish connection, even if you completely turn off Bluetooth, call "closeAllConexion", try to create Connection with another "server" or change your mode from client to server.
I tried pretty much every possible thing I came up with to stop it but...
Once called "createClient(mAddressMac) it starts a new Thread, which constantly tries to establish connection with chosen device. I found myself helpless in stopping it. As I read into you library it should stop when disconnectClient() or even resetClient() is called but it won't. It keeps trying to establish connection, even if you completely turn off Bluetooth, call "closeAllConexion", try to create Connection with another "server" or change your mode from client to server.
Is there something that I'm missing? :-(