This is my first time to configure Arista Switch and ZTP server, so I got confuse about this case and I don't know where I got this wrong.
I already have (Cloudvision Provisioning) CVP server (192.168.85,85) running and it's already connected to my switches ( inside my
This is my Arista Switch response
Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost cvpUrl = /config
Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost cvpUser = cvptemp
Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost Removing temporary files
Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost ['']
Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost hostname sw- ipAddrs ['']
Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost Applying Base EOS configuration
Apr 15 06:49:24 sw-192 TerminAttr version is valid. Skipping upgrade
Apr 15 06:49:24 sw-192 status code=7 msg=EOS running newer version of terminAttr than defaultterminAttr version, current version is valid
Apr 15 06:49:24 sw-192 waiting for Eos configuration
Apr 15 06:49:24 sw-192 Sending request to [0]
Apr 15 06:49:25 sw-192 status code=11 msg=Successfully requested CVP for config
My expectation was since my switches and CVP already connected, the ZTP will be downloaded to my switches and change my switches clock since the bootstrap_conf.yaml inside my ZTP say:
But this is where I got confuse since the CVP and the Switches work and the switches say they can and already download the bootstrap_conf.yaml, configuration inside my switches should have change, but my switches response is like this:
The device is in Zero Touch Provisioning mode and is attempting to
download the startup-config from a remote system. The device will not
be fully functional until either a valid startup-config is downloaded
from a remote system or Zero Touch Provisioning is cancelled.
To cancel Zero Touch Provisioning, login as admin and type
'zerotouch cancel' at the CLI. Alternatively, to disable Zero Touch
Provisioning permanently, type 'zerotouch disable' at the CLI.
Note: The device will reload when these commands are issued.
management api http-commands
no shutdown
and this is the switches clock status:
sw- clock
Thu Apr 15 07:17:33 2021
Timezone: UTC
Clock source: local
the Timezone not following the bootstrap_conf.yaml.
Can someone help me with this problem, any additional information is interest me.
This is my first time to configure Arista Switch and ZTP server, so I got confuse about this case and I don't know where I got this wrong. I already have (Cloudvision Provisioning) CVP server (192.168.85,85) running and it's already connected to my switches ( inside my This is my Arista Switch response Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost cvpUrl = /config Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost cvpUser = cvptemp Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost Removing temporary files Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost [''] Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost hostname sw- ipAddrs [''] Apr 15 06:49:21 localhost Applying Base EOS configuration Apr 15 06:49:24 sw-192 TerminAttr version is valid. Skipping upgrade Apr 15 06:49:24 sw-192 status code=7 msg=EOS running newer version of terminAttr than defaultterminAttr version, current version is valid Apr 15 06:49:24 sw-192 waiting for Eos configuration Apr 15 06:49:24 sw-192 Sending request to [0] Apr 15 06:49:25 sw-192 status code=11 msg=Successfully requested CVP for config
My expectation was since my switches and CVP already connected, the ZTP will be downloaded to my switches and change my switches clock since the bootstrap_conf.yaml inside my ZTP say: config:
name: TerminattrConfig abortOnFail: True stage: postUpgrade cmds:
name: EapiConfig abortOnFail: True stage: preUpgrade cmds:
name: DisableThrottlingConfig abortOnFail: False stage: preUpgrade cmds:
name: MaxSessionsConfig abortOnFail: False stage: preUpgrade cmds:
name: SetClockConfig abortOnFail: False stage: preUpgrade cmds:
But this is where I got confuse since the CVP and the Switches work and the switches say they can and already download the bootstrap_conf.yaml, configuration inside my switches should have change, but my switches response is like this:
sw- run ! Command: show running-config ! device: sw- (vEOS, EOS-4.20.15M) ! ! boot system flash:/vEOS-lab.swi ! service configuration session max pending 10 ! daemon TerminAttr exec /usr/bin/TerminAttr -ingestgrpcurl= -cvcompression=gzip -taillogs -ingestauth=key,magickey -smashexcludes=ale,flexCounter,hardware,kni,pulse,strata -ingestexclude=/Sysdb/cell/1/agent,/Sysdb/cell/2/agent no shutdown ! switchport default mode routed ! transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G ! logging console informational ! logging level AAA errors logging level ACCOUNTING errors logging level ACL errors logging level AGENT errors logging level ALE errors logging level ARP errors logging level BFD errors logging level BGP errors logging level BMP errors logging level CAPACITY errors logging level CAPI errors logging level CLEAR errors logging level CRT errors logging level CVX errors logging level DATAPLANE errors logging level DHCP errors logging level DOT1X errors logging level DSCP errors logging level ENVMON errors logging level ETH errors logging level EVENTMON errors logging level EXTENSION errors logging level FHRP errors logging level FLOW errors logging level FORWARDING errors logging level FRU errors logging level FWK errors logging level GMP errors logging level HARDWARE errors logging level HEALTH errors logging level HTTPSERVICE errors logging level IGMP errors logging level IGMPSNOOPING errors logging level INTF errors logging level IP6ROUTING errors logging level IPRIB errors logging level IRA errors logging level ISIS errors logging level KERNELFIB errors logging level LACP errors logging level LAG errors logging level LAUNCHER errors logging level LDP errors logging level LICENSE errors logging level LINEPROTO errors logging level LLDP errors logging level LOGMGR errors logging level LOOPBACK errors logging level LOOPPROTECT errors logging level MAPREDUCEMONITOR errors logging level MIRRORING errors logging level MKA errors logging level MLAG errors logging level MMODE errors logging level MROUTE errors logging level MRP errors logging level MSDP errors logging level MSRP errors logging level MSSPOLICYMONITOR errors logging level MVRP errors logging level NAT errors logging level OPENCONFIG errors logging level OPENFLOW errors logging level OSPF errors logging level OSPF3 errors logging level PACKAGE errors logging level PFC errors logging level PIMBSR errors logging level PORTSECURITY errors logging level PTP errors logging level PWRMGMT errors logging level QOS errors logging level QUEUEMONITOR errors logging level REACHABILITYMONITOR errors logging level REDUNDANCY errors logging level RIB errors logging level ROUTING errors logging level SECURITY errors logging level SERVERMONITOR errors logging level SPANTREE errors logging level STAGEMGR errors logging level SYS errors logging level SYSDB errors logging level TAPAGG errors logging level TCP errors logging level TRANSCEIVER errors logging level TUNNEL errors logging level TUNNELINTF errors logging level VMTRACERSESS errors logging level VMWAREVI errors logging level VMWAREVS errors logging level VRF errors logging level VRRP errors logging level VXLAN errors logging level XMPP errors logging level ZTP informational ! hostname sw- ip name-server vrf default ! spanning-tree mode mstp ! no aaa root ! username cvptemp privilege 15 secret sha512 $6$mBF6Z9DSbNkxQpvR$iH0zFsQleJ4j8klNyl1BoAjzu3r5cZlfuMRjLB0ynxDcGgMV2ZnDfwX/oA.Rs4o3L1TcIfIxiZPPkd6I7Sa1z. ! interface Ethernet1 speed forced 25gfull no switchport ipv6 enable ipv6 address auto-config ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route ! interface Ethernet2 speed forced 25gfull no switchport ipv6 enable ipv6 address auto-config ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route ! interface Ethernet3 speed forced 25gfull no switchport ipv6 enable ipv6 address auto-config ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route ! interface Ethernet4 speed forced 25gfull no switchport ipv6 enable ipv6 address auto-config ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route ! interface Ethernet5 speed forced 25gfull no switchport ipv6 enable ipv6 address auto-config ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route ! interface Ethernet6 speed forced 25gfull no switchport ipv6 enable ipv6 address auto-config ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route ! interface Ethernet7 speed forced 25gfull no switchport ipv6 enable ipv6 address auto-config ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route ! interface Ethernet8 speed forced 25gfull no switchport ipv6 enable ipv6 address auto-config ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route ! interface Management1 ip address ipv6 enable ipv6 address auto-config ipv6 nd ra rx accept default-route ! ip route ! no ip routing ! control-plane no service-policy input copp-system-policy ! banner login No startup-config was found.
The device is in Zero Touch Provisioning mode and is attempting to download the startup-config from a remote system. The device will not be fully functional until either a valid startup-config is downloaded from a remote system or Zero Touch Provisioning is cancelled.
To cancel Zero Touch Provisioning, login as admin and type 'zerotouch cancel' at the CLI. Alternatively, to disable Zero Touch Provisioning permanently, type 'zerotouch disable' at the CLI. Note: The device will reload when these commands are issued.
EOF ! management api http-commands no shutdown ! end
and this is the switches clock status:
sw- clock Thu Apr 15 07:17:33 2021 Timezone: UTC Clock source: local
the Timezone not following the bootstrap_conf.yaml. Can someone help me with this problem, any additional information is interest me. Thankyou.