aristocratos / btop

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[BUG] how to open tbz in centos? #188

Closed linyongfu2013 closed 2 years ago

linyongfu2013 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

how to open tbz in centos? google not found solution.

To Reproduce

[Steps to reproduce the behavior:]

Expected behavior

[A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.]


[If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.]

Info (please complete the following information):

Additional context

contents of ~/.config/btop/btop.log

(try running btop with --debug flag if btop.log is empty)

GDB Backtrace

If btop++ is crashing at start the following steps could be helpful:

(Extra helpful if compiled with make OPTFLAGS="-O0 -g")

  1. run (linux): gdb btop (macos): lldb btop

  2. r to run, wait for crash and press enter if prompted, CTRL+L to clear screen if needed.

  3. (gdb): thread apply all bt (lldb): bt all to get backtrace for all threads

  4. Copy and paste the backtrace here:

linyongfu2013 commented 2 years ago

why use such rare file type ? why not zip tgz ....?

aristocratos commented 2 years ago


Gerrit-K commented 2 years ago

@aristocratos sorry for digging this up again, but what about the other question?

why use such rare file type ? why not zip tgz ....?

I.e., is there any major benefit in choosing bzip over gzip here? IMO, although bzip may be faster or result in smaller archives, gzip is much more widely known and supported (as can be seen by this issue), which is a key factor for OSS to me.

aristocratos commented 2 years ago

@Gerrit-K I'm not sure where you got the idea that bzip2 is a rare compression format? It should be included in the base packages and come preinstalled in most (if not all) linux distributions.

aristocratos commented 2 years ago

Also, unless you're using a non GNU (ord BSD) version of tar or a very outdated one, the command to unpack is the same for both gzip and bzip2 -> tar -xf archive.t*z

Gerrit-K commented 2 years ago

Well, "rare" wouldn't have been my choice of words, I just quoted the original issue author ;) I know that bzip2 is also very common and installed on most systems, but still it seems to me that the de facto standard for GitHub binaries is *.tgz. So I'm simply asking if diverging from that was a deliberate choice and (if so) want to know the intention behind that :)

Edit: To give a bit of background here: I stumbled upon this when I tried to migrate from bpytop to btop in my zinit configuration and it appears that zinit doesn't support *.tbz archives, yet. Obviously, this is not an issue with btop but rather with zinit (hence, I created an issue there). But it was the very first time I've stumbled over a tbz archive and I was curious about the intentions behind this choice.

aristocratos commented 2 years ago

So I'm simply asking if diverging from that was a deliberate choice and (if so) want to know the intention behind that :)

It's just for the better compression. The decompress time (for the release package) will be under 1 second for probably any machine made in the last 15 years for both gzip and bzip2. So didn't really see any reason to not go for better compression.

The reason bzip2 not working with zinit could maybe be an oversight of the author specifying the -z flag for tar and not letting tar autodetect the compression. So if you find the part of the sources for handling compressed files you could possibly submit a PR with a fix yourself.

Edit: Found it. In zinit-install.zsh

            →zinit-extract() { →zinit-check bzip2 "$file" || return 1; command bzip2 -dc "$file" | command tar -xf -; }
            →zinit-extract() { →zinit-check gzip "$file" || return 1; command gzip -dc "$file" | command tar -xf -; }

It assumes the short for .tar.bz2 should be .tbz2 and doesn't detect just .tbz

Gerrit-K commented 2 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for the explanation and especially thanks for going the extra mile to take a look at my specific issue with zinit 👏 much appreciated! I'll take a look and see if I can provide a fix there. Shouldn't be too difficult based on your findings.

aristocratos commented 2 years ago

@Gerrit-K No problem :)

Just a note if you submit a patch, you would also need to add tbz to the accepted file list on line 1575 in zinit-install.zsh