aristocratos / btop

A monitor of resources
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Calculate the total mem after screening. #732

Open Ericwln opened 10 months ago

Ericwln commented 10 months ago

As shown in the figure, the keywords are filtered by a filter, and then you can see that many cores are compiling the project. I want to calculate the sum of all mem memories filtered or the total cpu occupancy. What should I do? thank you 2024-01-23_18-29-00

imwints commented 10 months ago

This is not 100% possible as you describe this, but you can see all resources used by a parent process.

You need to enter tree view by pressing e and then collapse the parent process of which you want to see the combined usage, in your case probably make, by pressing - (minus/dash). You can also set the option Proc aggregate in the proc tab in the options. This will always combine the resources used by all children in tree view without collapsing the node.

If there are multiple compilations running you can't sum them up directly in btop if there are independent from each other, but you can still filter tree view and collapse them the nodes you're interested in.

loleg commented 10 months ago

It would still be a great feature to quickly sum up the filtered processes and compare the top memory hogs on your system. Chrome and Slack are two apps that I can't seem to easily Proc aggregate.