aristocratos / btop4win

btop++ for windows
Apache License 2.0
757 stars 21 forks source link

Config setting for "preset" #5

Closed hl2guide closed 2 years ago

hl2guide commented 2 years ago

Please consider adding a btop.conf setting for preset,


preset = 2


startup_preset = 2

Thanks for making this awesome utility run on Windows 👍

aristocratos commented 2 years ago

You can set preset with a command line argument:

usage: btop4win.exe [-h] [-v] [-/+t] [-p <id>] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show version info and exit
  -lc, --low-color      disable truecolor, converts 24-bit colors to 256-color
  -t, --tty_on          force (ON) tty mode, max 16 colors and tty friendly graph symbols
  +t, --tty_off         force (OFF) tty mode
  -p, --preset <id>     start with preset, integer value between 0-9
  --debug               start in DEBUG mode: shows microsecond timer for information collect
                        and screen draw functions and sets loglevel to DEBUG

Likely gonna make changes to the preset system soon, it's not very user friendly right now.