aritsune / lancer-faq

FAQ & errata for Lancer
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Feature: Add Solstice Rain FAQ #88

Closed msprijatelj closed 1 year ago

msprijatelj commented 1 year ago

Feature request:

Kai put together a text file of a Solstice Rain FAQ; it would be helpful for players to merge its contents with the more visible FAQ site. Contents below:

Solstice Rain FAQ:

Q: Can you use the Chomolungma's System Crusher to give heat to an ally?
A: No, the heat it deals is part and parcel with the heat that Invades normally do. This means if used on an ally, it does no heat. This also means that the heat it deals is one packet and not two separate ones, in instances where that may matter.

Q: How does the Demolitionist talent Quarterback interact with the Iskander's Assault Launcher and Mine Deployers?
A: As Assault Launcher gives mines a range (of 15) then Quarterback adds to that, making it 18 with effective Arcing. Mines placed with Mine Deployers may be placed out to Range 3.

Q: How does Demolitionist work with the Barbarossa's Roller Grenade?
A: The answer is "in some cases not at all." On a talent by talent rank breakdown, Frag and Clear allows you to exclude one character from the affected area, so you can use it to let the Roller Grenade "skip" someone and not detonate on contact with them. Quarterback does not allow you to throw them further, because they have no range value to modify, but you do gain the Arcing benefit for the line. Fire in the Hole does not affect them because they aren't thrown and more importantly they do not have a targeted space for the ability to work from.

Q: What happens if you toss a GMS Pattern-A Smoke Grenade and use Frag and Clear to choose one character in the affected area and ignore its effects?
A: The effect of the Smoke Grenade is "All characters and objects within the blast area benefit from soft cover until the end of your next turn," so if you pick a character to ignore the effects of this, that chosen character cannot benefit from this effect. That is to say, if you throw a Smoke Grenade and choose a character in its area to ignore the effects, they do NOT benefit from the soft cover it provides for its duration. You tag them with special trackers, you hit them with one of those dye packs they stick in with the money, you curve the smoke cloud, etc. They have to be within its area at the time you throw it, it can't be decided upon after the fact.

Q: Does the Miniaturized LinAc Coherent Beam Cannon proc Universal Compatibility?
A: Yes, it serves as an alternate Core System, which is the requirement for proccing Universal Compatibility. It can still only be used 1/mission regardless of whether Universal Compatibility procs or you have a Core Battery reserve.
lenaleciel commented 1 year ago
