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What has changed from bieng a webkit commiter to a VP of a big company? #17

Closed JoseVigil closed 8 years ago

ariya commented 8 years ago

For a start, Shape Security is not a big company. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to estimate the number of employees we have right now :smirk:

Also, being a contributor to a certain project, it's a matter of label. In theory, there is nothing stopping me from coming up with a patch to fix a WebKit bug and contributing it. In practice, this is not happening due to my lack of spare time and nothing to my role with Shape Security.

Thank you @JoseVigil!

JoseVigil commented 8 years ago

Hi Ariya,

Appreciate the answer, I would love to engage with you when you can find a spare time to keep the contact.

Congratulations for your career.

Thanks! Jose