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How do you relax? #8

Closed sindresorhus closed 8 years ago

developit commented 8 years ago

Was going to ask this

ariya commented 8 years ago

I discover some techniques that work for me. I'll write an answer for each one.

ariya commented 8 years ago


Although I'm not physically strong and I'm not good at sports, I still enjoy it as it can dramatically reduces my stress level. Sometimes it's about a few sets of badminton. Other times, it's a matter of practicing some basketball moves (behind the back layup has been my favorite since high school).

ariya commented 8 years ago

Weekend trips

My kids inherit something from their parents: they're so silly! It's amazing how much fun and relaxing it is to spend the weekend doing things such as:

ariya commented 8 years ago


I've been fascinated by books as early as I could read. For me, reading always triggers my imagination, teleporting myself to a completely different world. I always feel different after reading any book, whether it's fiction or non-fiction. Most of time, it helps replenishing my source of joy, excitement, and inspiration.