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Identify and document key messages and sensors used by hector_slam #3

Open vegnesh opened 3 years ago

vegnesh commented 3 years ago

Check the bag files for the format and topic names

Check topics & message types that hector_slam subscribes to

vegnesh commented 3 years ago

The messages in the tutorial bag file Team_Hector_MappingBox_RoboCup_2011_Rescue_Arena.bag are:

         /asctec_proc/imu                      15239 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Imu                      
         /asctec_proc/pressure_height          14772 msgs    : mav_msgs/Height                      
         /autopilot/IMU_CALCDATA               14794 msgs    : asctec_msgs/IMUCalcData              
         /autopilot/LL_STATUS                  14807 msgs    : asctec_msgs/LLStatus                 
         /diagnostics                            258 msgs    : diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray      
         /fix                                  14781 msgs    : gps_common/GPSFix                    
         /hokuyo_node/parameter_descriptions       1 msg     : dynamic_reconfigure/ConfigDescription
         /hokuyo_node/parameter_updates            1 msg     : dynamic_reconfigure/Config           
         /rosout                                  27 msgs    : rosgraph_msgs/Log                     (3 connections)
         /rosout_agg                              19 msgs    : rosgraph_msgs/Log                    
         /scan                                 10376 msgs    : sensor_msgs/LaserScan                
         /solution                             15266 msgs    : nav_msgs/Odometry                    
         /tf                                   50793 msgs    : tf/tfMessage                          (3 connections)

Potentially key topics:

I will check the hector_slam code to see what is happening