I noticed occasionally call to ServiceBrowser.Browse would result in exception being silently thrown, which i only noticed on the debugger in Visual Studio:
Exception thrown: 'ArkaneSystems.Arkane.Zeroconf.Providers.Bonjour.ServiceErrorException' in Arkane.Zeroconf.dll
Exception is being silently dropped in Providers/Bonjour/ServiceBrowser.cs Start(async = true) method.
Because of this.task = Task.Run (() => this.ProcessStart ()).ContinueWith (_ => this.task = null) ;
Task.Run just drops any exceptions thrown by ProcessStart().
Could you please provide a public API that is friendly with async/await that exposes Task as a return value so caller can decide how best to handle exceptions on async calls.
Or at a minimum provide an option to use Synchronous Browse and let caller handle async routing on their own
I noticed occasionally call to ServiceBrowser.Browse would result in exception being silently thrown, which i only noticed on the debugger in Visual Studio: Exception thrown: 'ArkaneSystems.Arkane.Zeroconf.Providers.Bonjour.ServiceErrorException' in Arkane.Zeroconf.dll
Exception is being silently dropped in Providers/Bonjour/ServiceBrowser.cs Start(async = true) method. Because of
this.task = Task.Run (() => this.ProcessStart ()).ContinueWith (_ => this.task = null) ;
Task.Run just drops any exceptions thrown by ProcessStart().Could you please provide a public API that is friendly with async/await that exposes Task as a return value so caller can decide how best to handle exceptions on async calls. Or at a minimum provide an option to use Synchronous Browse and let caller handle async routing on their own