arkayenro / arkinventory

A World of Warcraft Inventory mod for Retail, Burning Crusade, and Classic
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Feature request: Guild Bank toggle #1289

Open MrUzagi opened 4 years ago

MrUzagi commented 4 years ago

As I have less enlightened guild mates I usually don't use AI for the guild bank as they rely on the "physical" placement as a sorting method therein. So as a courtesy to them I place the items in a way that I don't mess things up for them. But personally I prefer AI as I can group and sort things more intelligently. However I rarely use AI for the guild bank since it's a bit of a hassle to actually change it back and forth.

What I'd like is some easier way to toggle between using AI and Blizzard UI for the guild bank. If possible.

I envision a simple button at the top (or some other placement) where if I click it using AI it closes the guild bank and reopens it vanilla style. And if I'm using Blizzard's UI and click the button it would close the guild bank and reopen it using AI , and vice versa.

Would something like this be feasible?

Gogo1951 commented 4 years ago

Just tell them to get AI. Open the guild bank and hit "restack" as many times as it takes until they're convinced that manually sorting is a pain in the ass. (I'm not a dev on the project, just someone who has been in that spot and who gets annoyed by people manually sorting things... it's such a waste of energy, they should just get AI -- or some other bag manager. They're your grandparents who manually drag emails to folders, they're people who think they still need to pump on an ABS brake to get it to stop on ice, they're people who make you wait at the grocery store while they write out a paper check... you shouldn't work to appease Luddites, that'll just keep you living in the past with them. Ha. Restack restack restack! Until they change.)