arkayenro / arkinventory

A World of Warcraft Inventory mod for Retail, Burning Crusade, and Classic
108 stars 14 forks source link

Rules not working #846

Closed pquerner closed 8 years ago

pquerner commented 8 years ago

Hey, since late WoD (didnt play much in this Exp.) I cannot get the rules to work. I just reinstalled Arkinventory (removed all of SavedVariables via Curse Addon Manager) and cant even get a simple rule to work.

name("Blackrock Ore")

Debug mode yields no errors (atleast in normal chat window)

I tried using using Arkinventory without any Addons loaded, but heres the full list anyway:

AddOnSkins ArkInventory ArkInventoryConfig ArkInventoryRules ArkInventoryRules_Example ArkInventorySearch Blizzard_AchievementUI Blizzard_ArchaeologyUI Blizzard_ArenaUI Blizzard_AuctionUI Blizzard_AuthChallengeUI Blizzard_BarbershopUI Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap Blizzard_BindingUI Blizzard_BlackMarketUI Blizzard_Calendar Blizzard_ChallengesUI Blizzard_ClientSavedVariables Blizzard_Collections Blizzard_CombatLog Blizzard_CombatText Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames Blizzard_CUFProfiles Blizzard_DeathRecap Blizzard_DebugTools Blizzard_EncounterJournal Blizzard_GarrisonUI Blizzard_GlyphUI Blizzard_GMChatUI Blizzard_GMSurveyUI Blizzard_GuildBankUI Blizzard_GuildControlUI Blizzard_GuildUI Blizzard_InspectUI Blizzard_ItemAlterationUI Blizzard_ItemSocketingUI Blizzard_ItemUpgradeUI Blizzard_LookingForGuildUI Blizzard_MacroUI Blizzard_MovePad Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker Blizzard_PetBattleUI Blizzard_PVPUI Blizzard_QuestChoice Blizzard_RaidUI Blizzard_SocialUI Blizzard_StoreUI Blizzard_TalentUI Blizzard_TimeManager Blizzard_TokenUI Blizzard_TradeSkillUI Blizzard_TrainerUI Blizzard_Tutorial Blizzard_VoidStorageUI Blizzard_WowTokenUI CleanBossButton DBM-AQ20 DBM-AQ40 DBM-BaradinHold DBM-BastionTwilight DBM-BlackTemple DBM-BlackwingDescent DBM-Brawlers DBM-BrokenIsles DBM-BWL DBM-ChamberOfAspects DBM-Coliseum DBM-Core DBM-DefaultSkin DBM-DMF DBM-DragonSoul DBM-EmeraldNightmare DBM-EyeOfEternity DBM-Firelands DBM-GUI DBM-HeartofFear DBM-Hyjal DBM-Icecrown DBM-Karazhan DBM-LDB DBM-MC DBM-MogushanVaults DBM-Naxx DBM-Nighthold DBM-Onyxia DBM-Outlands DBM-Pandaria DBM-Party-BC DBM-Party-Cataclysm DBM-Party-Classic DBM-Party-Legion DBM-Party-MoP DBM-Party-WotLK DBM-ProvingGrounds DBM-PvP DBM-Scenario-MoP DBM-Serpentshrine DBM-SiegeOfOrgrimmarV2 DBM-SpellTimers DBM-StatusBarTimers DBM-Sunwell DBM-TerraceofEndlessSpring DBM-TheEye DBM-ThroneFourWinds DBM-ThroneofThunder DBM-Ulduar DBM-VoA DBM-WorldEvents Details Details_3DModelsPaths Details_CalcLeech Details_ChartViewer Details_DataStorage Details_DeathGraphs Details_DmgRank Details_DpsTuning Details_DungeonInfo-Warlords Details_EncounterDetails Details_RaidCheck Details_RaidInfo-BlackrockFoundry Details_RaidInfo-HellfireCitadel Details_RaidInfo-Highmaul Details_RaidInfo-SiegeOfOrgrimmar Details_RaidInfo-ThroneOfThunder Details_RaidPowerBars Details_Streamer Details_TargetCaller Details_TimeAttack Details_TimeLine Details_TinyThreat Details_Vanguard ElvUI ElvUI_Config ElvUI_CustomTweaks ElvUI_EverySecondCounts ElvUI_ExtraActionBars ElvUI_RaidHeal ElvUI_TankHealth ElvUI_VisualAuraTimers FarmHud GarrisonDisenchant GarrisonMissionManager GatherMate_Sharing GatherMate2 GatherMate2_Data HandyNotes HandyNotes_DraenorTreasures HandyNotes_LegionRaresTreasures LibDFramework-1.0 Postal SavedInstances SetCollector Skada SYH TomTom TradeSkillMaster TradeSkillMaster_Accounting TradeSkillMaster_AppHelper TradeSkillMaster_AuctionDB TradeSkillMaster_Auctioning TradeSkillMaster_CompetitorTracker TradeSkillMaster_Crafting TradeSkillMaster_Destroying TradeSkillMaster_Mailing TradeSkillMaster_Shopping TradeSkillMaster_Vendoring TradeSkillMaster_Warehousing TurnIn WeakAuras WeakAurasModelPaths WeakAurasOptions WeakAurasTemplates WIM WoWPro WoWPro_Achievements WoWPro_Dailies WoWPro_Leveling WowPro_Profession WoWPro_WorldEvents xCT+ ZygorGuidesViewer

(not all of them are activated at all times)

arkayenro commented 8 years ago

have you enabled the rule? the new version has changed the way rules are enabled.

go into edit mode, find the bar where you assigned the rule, leave the mouse hovering on the rule name and see if it it enabled or not, if it isnt then click on enable and it should kick in

pquerner commented 8 years ago

@arkayenro Please see the screenshot. Rule "test" is active (should be) on bar 10. Or do you mean something else? If so, I cannot follow you.

arkayenro commented 8 years ago

link is blocked at work, will check when i get home

arkayenro commented 8 years ago

ok, in edit mode click on a stack of blackrock ore and see what its assigned to

pquerner commented 8 years ago


Do you mean the value of "Current: %s" ?

Please check the screenshot, dont know exactly what I am looking for.

arkayenro commented 8 years ago

ok, i figured out what youre doing - you only have two rows which means there is nothing on the top row (its always added so you can expand into it), and when you clicked on bar 10 (first pic) there are no assigned categories (the rule should be there)

click on bar 10, go into rules and actually click on the rule name (the menu level before the enabled/disabled)

youve enabled the rule but not actually assigned it to a bar (its not overly obvious to new people but all the menus are like that, you can click on the sub-menu to do things)

once its actually assigned, you should get a hide and remove option in with the enable/disable options

pquerner commented 8 years ago

Thanks, thats it! Working now.