arkayenro / arkinventory

A World of Warcraft Inventory mod for Retail, Burning Crusade, and Classic
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Queue for BG's blocked #903

Closed jeffv2011 closed 7 years ago

jeffv2011 commented 7 years ago

Sometimes I cannot queue for PvP-Random Battleground. I can queue for anything else except for this. Below is the Bug grabber info.

Ps: Kinda curious why my bags are messing with my group finder...totally unrelated.

Date: 2016-11-25 02:01:48 ID: 1 Error occured in: AddOn: ArkInventory Count: 1 Message: Error: AddOn ArkInventory attempted to call a forbidden function (JoinBattlefield()) from a tainted execution path. Debug:

Blizzard_PVPUI\Blizzard_PVPUI.lua:551: HonorFrame_Queue()

  [string "*:OnClick"]:1

Locals: None AddOns: Swatter, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine) ACP, v3.4.30 AdvancedInterfaceOptions, v1.0.6 ArkInventory, v30719 ArkInventoryRules, v10003 ArkInventoryRulesExample, v10000 ArkInventoryRulesGFM, v10200 ArkInventoryRulesMoreRules, v7. ArkInventoryRulesTSMGroup, v10701 ArkInventoryRulesTSMValue, v10200 ArkInventoryRulesWardrobe, v10000 AskMrRobot, v48 Auctionator, v4.0.16 BattlegroundTargets, v70000-1 BigDebuffs, vv5.2 BonusRollPreview, v70100.35-Release DailyGlobalCheck, v DBMCore, v DBMDefaultSkin, v DBMStatusBarTimers, v DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded) Details, v DetailsChartViewer, v DetailsDmgRank, v DetailsDpsTuning, v DetailsEncounterDetails, v DetailsRaidCheck, v DetailsRaidInfoEmeraldNightmare, v DetailsRaidInfoNighthold, v DetailsRaidInfoTrialOfValor, v DetailsTimeAttack, v DetailsTimeLine, v DetailsTinyThreat, v DetailsVanguard, v DugisGuideViewerZ, v4.046 ElvUI, v10.31 ElvUICustomTweaks, v1.31 ElvUISLE, v3.16 GSCore, v152 GSDraikMacros, vv1.5.1 Legion 7.1 GSmyMacros, vv1 GSSequenceEditor, v1.52 GTFO, v4.41.3 HealersHaveToDie, v2.4.3 IceHUD, v1.10.12 MasterPlanA, vA MogIt, v3.6.5 MogItHighlighter, vv1.3.2 MogItSetTransmog, v1.5.0 NOP, v06.22 15.11.2016 OmniCC, v7.1.0 Outfitter, v5.17.2 Pawn, v2.1.8 PersonalLootHelper, v1.16 Postal, vv3.5.8 RotationBuilder, v1.61.0 SlideBar, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine) Spy, v3.3.8 StarCursor, vr1 StealthAlerter, v0.99.25 Stubby, v7.1.5675 (TasmanianThylacine) SuperGuildInvite, v7.6.0 TradeSkillMaster, vv3.6.20 TradeSkillMasterAppHelper, vv3.0.2 TradeSkillMasterCrafting, vv3.1.18 WeakAuras, v2.2.2.2-3-g957d372 WeakAurasOptions, v2.2.2.2-3-g957d372 WeakAurasStopMotion, v1.0.0 WorldQuestGroupFinder, v0.19.1 WorldQuestsList, v23 WorldQuestTracker, v BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v7.1.0.70100 (ck=774)

arkayenro commented 7 years ago

youll need to enable taint logging and check the output as AI does not touch any PVP/Group functions at all. its most likely one of the libraries i use which is also used by whatever is causing the taint. the game will lay blame on the first mod (alphabetically) that loads the library