arkenfox / user.js

Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening
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ToDo: diffs FF93-FF94 #1270

Closed earthlng closed 2 years ago

earthlng commented 2 years ago

FF94 is scheduled for release Nov. 2nd

FF94 release notes [when ready] FF94 for developers FF94 security advisories

122 diffs ( 45 new, 65 gone, 12 different )

removed, renamed or hidden in v94.0:

changed in v94.0:


click me for details

==NEW ```js pref("", false); pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.compactLayout.enabled", false); pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.lastCardMessage.enabled", false); pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.loadMore.enabled", false); pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.newFooterSection.enabled", false); pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.saveToPocketCard.enabled", false); pref("browser.tabs.remote.testOnly.failPBrowserCreation.enabled", false); pref("browser.sessionstore.dom_form_limit", 2097152); pref("browser.sessionstore.dom_form_max_limit", 52428800); pref("browser.startup.couldRestoreSession.count", 0); pref("devtools.every-frame-target.enabled", false); pref("dom.shadowdom.delegatesFocus.enabled", true); pref("", 2592000); pref("fission.webContentIsolationStrategy", 1); pref("gfx.webrender.batched-texture-uploads", true); pref("gfx.webrender.blob-tile-size", 256); pref("gfx.webrender.draw-calls-for-texture-copy", true); pref("gfx.webrender.multithreading", true); pref("gfx.webrender.pbo-uploads", false); pref("layout.css.autofill.background", true); pref("layout.css.grid-item-baxis-measurement.enabled", false); pref("layout.css.scroll-linked-animations.enabled", false); pref("layout.css.trig.enabled", false); pref("network.cache.bug1708673", false); pref("network.disable-localhost-when-offline", false); pref("network.dns.http3_echconfig.enabled", false); pref("network.http.clear_bogus_content_encoding", false); pref("network.http.early_data_disable_on_error", true); pref("network.http.early_data_max_error", 5); pref("network.proxy.testing_localhost_is_secure_when_hijacked", false); pref("network.trr.strict_native_fallback", false); pref("media.decoder.skip_when_video_too_slow_ms", 2500); pref("toolkit.aboutProcesses.profileDuration", 5); pref("toolkit.aboutProcesses.showProfilerIcons", false); pref("toolkit.sqlitejsm.loglevel", "Error"); pref("widget.non-native-theme.always-high-contrast", false); ``` ==REMOVED or HIDDEN ```js pref("apz.nonwr.activate_all_scroll_frames", false); pref("apz.nonwr.activate_all_scroll_frames_when_fission", false); pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.customizationMenu.enabled", false); pref("browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.newNewtabExperience.enabled", true); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.infoBody", ""); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.infoEnabled", true); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.infoIcon", ""); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.infoLinkText", ""); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.infoLinkUrl", ""); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.infoTitle", ""); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.infoTitleEnabled", true); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.promoEnabled", true); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.promoLinkText", ""); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.promoLinkUrl", ""); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.promoTitle", ""); pref("browser.privatebrowsing.promoTitleEnabled", true); pref("browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit", false); pref("gfx.layerscope.enabled", false); pref("gfx.layerscope.port", 23456); pref("gfx.logging.painted-pixel-count.enabled", false); pref("gfx.webrender.debug.batched-texture-uploads", true); pref("gfx.webrender.debug.draw-calls-for-texture-copy", true); pref("gfx.webrender.enable-multithreading", true); pref("layers.acceleration.draw-fps.print-histogram", false); pref("layers.acceleration.draw-fps.write-to-file", false); pref("layers.bench.enabled", false); pref("layers.bufferrotation.enabled", true); pref("layers.componentalpha.enabled", true); pref("layers.compositing-tiles.height", 1024); pref("layers.compositing-tiles.width", 1024); pref("layers.draw-bigimage-borders", false); pref("layers.draw-borders", false); pref("layers.draw-layer-info", false); pref("layers.draw-tile-borders", false); pref("layers.dump", false); pref("layers.dump-client-layers", false); pref("layers.dump-host-layers", false); pref("layers.dump-texture", false); pref("layers.effect.contrast", "0.0"); pref("layers.effect.grayscale", false); pref("layers.effect.invert", false); pref("layers.flash-borders", false); pref("layers.geometry.basic.enabled", true); pref("layers.geometry.d3d11.enabled", true); pref("layers.geometry.opengl.enabled", true); pref("layers.low-precision-opacity", "1.0"); pref("layers.max-active", -1); pref("layers.orientation.sync.timeout", 0); pref("layers.single-tile.enabled", true); pref("layers.tile-initial-pool-size", 50); pref("layers.tile-pool-clear-timeout", 5000); pref("layers.tile-pool-shrink-timeout", 50); pref("layers.tile-pool-unused-size", 10); pref("layers.tiles.edge-padding", false); pref("layers.tiles.fade-in.duration-ms", 250); pref("layers.tiles.fade-in.enabled", false); pref("layers.tiles.retain-back-buffer", true); pref("layers.transaction.warning-ms", 200); pref("layers.uniformity-info", false); pref("layers.use-image-offscreen-surfaces", true); pref("layout.animated-image-layers.enabled", false); pref("layout.paint_rects_separately", true); pref("layout.smaller-painted-layers", false); pref("services.sync.prefs.sync.browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit", true); ``` ==CHANGED ```js pref("content.sink.pending_event_mode", 1); // prev: 0 pref("dom.forms.enterkeyhint", true); // prev: false pref("dom.ipc.processCount.webIsolated", 4); // prev: 1 pref("network.notify.IPv6", false); // prev: true pref("network.send_ODA_to_content_directly", true); // prev: false pref("security.disallow_privileged_data_subdocuments_loads", true); // prev: false pref("signon.usernameOnlyForm.enabled", true); // prev: false ```

earthlng commented 2 years ago
some bugzilla tickets

* apz.nonwr.activate_all_scroll_frames Bug [1733520]( Remove apz.nonwr.activate_all_scroll_frames* prefs. * apz.nonwr.activate_all_scroll_frames_when_fission Bug [1733520]( Remove apz.nonwr.activate_all_scroll_frames* prefs. * browser.contentblocking.features.strict Bug [1664995]( - Part 4: Enable OCSP partiitoning in strict mode. Bug [1698843]( - Part 3: Set content blocking category flag for cookieBehavior for the private mode. * browser.display.use_system_colors Bug [1593273]( Default browser.display.use_system_colors to true on windows, false elsewhere * Bug [1731668]( - Move downloads spam prevention work behind a pref. * browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.customizationMenu.enabled Bug [1710937]( - Part 2 - Remove showCustomizationMenu pref and associated code. * browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.compactLayout.enabled Bug [1717682]( - Pref and implementation for compact 4 card row layout for Pocket newtab. * browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.lastCardMessage.enabled Bug [1729946]( - Adding Pocket newtab load more button. * browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.loadMore.enabled Bug [1729946]( - Adding Pocket newtab load more button. * browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.newFooterSection.enabled Bug [1730018]( - New Pocket footer section on newtab * browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.saveToPocketCard.enabled Bug [1730017]( - Adding save to Pocket button to newtab Pocket cards on hover. * browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.newNewtabExperience.enabled Bug [1710937]( - Part 1 - Remove newNewTabExperienceEnabled pref and associated code. Bug [1703941]( - Turn on prefs for new tab design work in Firefox 89. * browser.privatebrowsing.infoBody Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing. * browser.privatebrowsing.infoEnabled Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing. * browser.privatebrowsing.infoIcon Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing. * browser.privatebrowsing.infoLinkText Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing. * browser.privatebrowsing.infoLinkUrl Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing. * browser.privatebrowsing.infoTitle Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1715504]( - Banner variations for Private Browsing mode experiment Bug [1715504]( - Banner variations for Private Browsing mode experiment. Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing. * browser.privatebrowsing.infoTitleEnabled Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1715504]( - Banner variations for Private Browsing mode experiment Bug [1715504]( - Banner variations for Private Browsing mode experiment. * browser.privatebrowsing.promoEnabled Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing. * browser.privatebrowsing.promoLinkText Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing. * browser.privatebrowsing.promoLinkUrl Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing. * browser.privatebrowsing.promoTitle Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1715504]( - Banner variations for Private Browsing mode experiment Bug [1715504]( - Banner variations for Private Browsing mode experiment. Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing Bug [1709344]( - Add Nimbus to about:privatebrowsing. * browser.privatebrowsing.promoTitleEnabled Bug [1729766]( - Update about:privatebrowsing with VPN promo Bug [1715504]( - Banner variations for Private Browsing mode experiment Bug [1715504]( - Banner variations for Private Browsing mode experiment. * browser.sessionstore.dom_form_limit Bug [1727367]( - Part 1: Add prefs for max session store form entry size. * browser.sessionstore.dom_form_max_limit Bug [1727367]( - Part 1: Add prefs for max session store form entry size. * browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit Bug [1724976](, whether to show quit warning should not be dependent on session restore state, and remove the redundant browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit preference, * browser.startup.couldRestoreSession.count Bug [1724960]( - Add a one-time infobar to explain session restore. * browser.tabs.remote.testOnly.failPBrowserCreation.enabled Bug [1725572]( - Part 3: Recover from a missing subframe BrowsingContext in ConstructBrowser, * browser.tabs.warnOnClose Bug [1724977](, change default value of browser.tabs.warnOnClose to false, Bug [1724976](, whether to show quit warning should not be dependent on session restore state, and remove the redundant browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit preference, * browser.warnOnQuitShortcut Bug [1726736](, add a separate preference when quitting using the shortcut key, and modify the close dialog warning to indicate that the warning only applies to keyboard quitting, * clipboard.copyPrivateDataToClipboardCloudOrHistory Bug [1730194]( - Prevent Copy button to send information to Cloud Clipboard and Clipboard History on Windows. * content.sink.pending_event_mode Bug [1730958]( - Fix some #ifdefs in static prefs. * devtools.every-frame-target.enabled Bug [1685500]( - [devtools] Create target actors for all iframes. * dom.forms.enterkeyhint Bug [1648332]( - Ship enterkeyhint in release. * dom.ipc.processCount.webIsolated Bug [1727158]( - Part 2: Bump processCount.webIsolated to 4 on desktop, * dom.shadowdom.delegatesFocus.enabled Bug [1413836]( - Add delegatesFocus attribute to shadow dom * Bug [1723797]( - Add a separate pref to control process isolation strategy when fission.autostart is enabled, * fission.webContentIsolationStrategy Bug [1723797]( - Add a separate pref to control process isolation strategy when fission.autostart is enabled, * gfx.layerscope.enabled Bug [1732328]( - Remove dead gfx.layerscope.*** pref. * gfx.layerscope.port Bug [1732328]( - Remove dead gfx.layerscope.*** pref. * gfx.logging.painted-pixel-count.enabled Bug [1729954]( - Remove gfx.logging.painted-pixel-count.enabled. * gfx.webrender.blob-tile-size Bug [1729441]( - Add a pref to set the blob tile size. * gfx.webrender.debug.batched-texture-uploads Bug [1690247]( - Enable the batched texture upload path on windows. Bug [1681310]( - Add a batched texture upload code path using glTexSubImage2D. * gfx.webrender.debug.draw-calls-for-texture-copy Bug [1690247]( - Enable the batched texture upload path on windows. Bug [1681310]( - Add a batched texture upload code path using glTexSubImage2D. * gfx.webrender.enable-multithreading Bug [1731610]( - Add new prefs in WebRender with less boilerplate. * gfx.webrender.pbo-uploads Bug [1732726]( - Use PBO uploads on Windows. * layers.acceleration.draw-fps.print-histogram Bug [1729960]( - Remove mozilla::layers::Diagnostics. * layers.acceleration.draw-fps.write-to-file Bug [1729960]( - Remove mozilla::layers::Diagnostics. * layers.bench.enabled Bug [1732225]( - Remove unused layers.bench.enabled pref. * layers.bufferrotation.enabled Bug [1729826]( - Remove unused gfxPlatform::BufferRotationEnabled(). * layers.componentalpha.enabled Bug [1732227]( - Remove unused layers.componentalpha.enabled pref. * layers.compositing-tiles.height Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.compositing-tiles.width Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.draw-bigimage-borders Bug [1729816]( - part 1: Remove unused gfxPlatform::GetLayerDiagnosticTypes() and related prefs. * layers.draw-borders Bug [1729816]( - part 1: Remove unused gfxPlatform::GetLayerDiagnosticTypes() and related prefs. * layers.draw-layer-info Bug [1729816]( - part 3: Remove unused layers.draw-layer-info pref. * layers.draw-tile-borders Bug [1729816]( - part 1: Remove unused gfxPlatform::GetLayerDiagnosticTypes() and related prefs. * layers.dump Bug [1729817]( - Remove unused layers.dump and related prefs. * layers.dump-client-layers Bug [1729817]( - Remove unused layers.dump and related prefs. * layers.dump-host-layers Bug [1729817]( - Remove unused layers.dump and related prefs. * layers.dump-texture Bug [1729817]( - Remove unused layers.dump and related prefs. * layers.effect.contrast Bug [1729822]( - Remove unused layers.effect.* prefs. * layers.effect.grayscale Bug [1729822]( - Remove unused layers.effect.* prefs. * layers.effect.invert Bug [1729822]( - Remove unused layers.effect.* prefs. * layers.flash-borders Bug [1729816]( - part 1: Remove unused gfxPlatform::GetLayerDiagnosticTypes() and related prefs. * layers.geometry.basic.enabled Bug [1732221]( - Remove unused layers.geometry.*** prefs. * layers.geometry.d3d11.enabled Bug [1732221]( - Remove unused layers.geometry.*** prefs. * layers.geometry.opengl.enabled Bug [1732221]( - Remove unused layers.geometry.*** prefs. * layers.low-precision-opacity Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.max-active Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.orientation.sync.timeout Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.single-tile.enabled Bug [1727782]( - Remove layers.single-tile.enabled pref * layers.tile-initial-pool-size Bug [1729476]( - Remove unused CompositorBridgeChild::GetTexturePool. * layers.tile-pool-clear-timeout Bug [1729476]( - Remove unused CompositorBridgeChild::GetTexturePool. * layers.tile-pool-shrink-timeout Bug [1729476]( - Remove unused CompositorBridgeChild::GetTexturePool. * layers.tile-pool-unused-size Bug [1729476]( - Remove unused CompositorBridgeChild::GetTexturePool. * layers.tiles.edge-padding Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.tiles.fade-in.duration-ms Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.tiles.fade-in.enabled Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.tiles.retain-back-buffer Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.transaction.warning-ms Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.uniformity-info Bug [1729580]( - Remove unused `layers.***` pref more. * layers.use-image-offscreen-surfaces Bug [1729579]( - Remove gfxPlatformGtk::UseImageOffscreenSurfaces(). * layout.animated-image-layers.enabled Bug [1729824]( - Remove unused layout.animated-image-layers.enabled. * layout.css.autofill.background Bug [1687682]( - Make autofill use a semi-transparent background-image rather than filter. * layout.css.font-visibility.level Bug [1715507]( - Support different levels of font-visibility per context, depending on tracking/fingerprinting protection settings. * layout.css.font-visibility.private Bug [1715507]( - Support different levels of font-visibility per context, depending on tracking/fingerprinting protection settings. * layout.css.font-visibility.resistFingerprinting Bug [1715507]( - Support different levels of font-visibility per context, depending on tracking/fingerprinting protection settings. * layout.css.font-visibility.standard Bug [1715507]( - Support different levels of font-visibility per context, depending on tracking/fingerprinting protection settings. * layout.css.font-visibility.trackingprotection Bug [1715507]( - Support different levels of font-visibility per context, depending on tracking/fingerprinting protection settings. * layout.css.grid-item-baxis-measurement.enabled Bug [1591366]( - Improve nested grid layout performance * layout.css.scroll-linked-animations.enabled Bug [1676782]( - Part 2: Hook @scroll-timeline rule into style system. * layout.css.trig.enabled Bug [1729804]( - Add experimental support for "e", "pi", and various trigonometric functions in calc(). * layout.paint_rects_separately Bug [1729955]( - Remove layout.paint_rects_separately. * layout.smaller-painted-layers Bug [1729935]( - Remove unused layout.smaller-painted-layers. * media.decoder.skip_when_video_too_slow_ms Bug [1722171]( - use time threshold to determine if we need to skip to next key frame. * network.cache.bug1708673 Bug [1733958]( - Set network.cache.bug1708673 to false. Bug [1731054]( - Reenable bug1708673 without perf regression Bug [1718267]( - Flip network.cache.bug1708673 to false to fix browsertime regression * network.disable-localhost-when-offline Bug [1634246]( - Add option to disallow connections to localhost while in offline mode. * network.dns.http3_echconfig.enabled Bug [1726528]( - Add a pref to control whether to enable echConfig for http3, * network.http.altsvc.oe Bug [1730935]( - Disable Opportunistic Encryption, the feature has a low usage. * network.http.clear_bogus_content_encoding Bug [1030660]( - Disable ClearBogusContentEncodingIfNeeded. * network.http.early_data_disable_on_error Bug [1718520]( - Disable early-data if a SSL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_VERSION_ALERT is received * network.http.early_data_max_error Bug [1718520]( - Disable early-data if a SSL_ERROR_PROTOCOL_VERSION_ALERT is received * network.notify.IPv6 Bug [1730958]( - Fix some #ifdefs in static prefs. * network.proxy.testing_localhost_is_secure_when_hijacked Bug [1729897]( - CSP Upgrade-insecure-requests is upgrading localhost websocket * network.send_ODA_to_content_directly Bug [1731192]( - Enable "network.send_ODA_to_content_directly" by default, * network.ssl_tokens_cache_enabled Bug [1728648]( - Use the TLS token cache in necko on release as well. Bug [1728543]( - Enable the necko TLS token cache on the early Beta * network.trr.strict_native_fallback Bug [1714182]( - Don't fallback from DoH to native in cases of request failure. * privacy.clearsitedata.cache.enabled Bug [1671182]( - Remove "cache" feature from Clear-Site-Data. * privacy.partition.network_state.ocsp_cache Bug [1664995]( - Part 1: Make OCSP cache to be aware of the partitionKey in the originAttributes. * privacy.partition.network_state.ocsp_cache.pbmode Bug [1664995]( - Part 1: Make OCSP cache to be aware of the partitionKey in the originAttributes. * security.disallow_privileged_data_subdocuments_loads WIP: Bug [1727251]( - Cancel system principal subdocument requests with data URL Bug [1725339]( - Restrict systemprincipal from loading type *SUBDOCUMENT* via HTTP, HTTPS and data schemes (data restriction preffed OFF). * services.sync.prefs.sync.browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit Bug [1724976](, whether to show quit warning should not be dependent on session restore state, and remove the redundant browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit preference, * signon.usernameOnlyForm.enabled Bug [1732901]( - Enable multi-page login form in beta and release * toolkit.aboutProcesses.profileDuration Bug [1730239]( - Offer a way to profile a specific process from about:processes, * toolkit.aboutProcesses.showProfilerIcons Bug [1730239]( - Offer a way to profile a specific process from about:processes, * toolkit.sqlitejsm.loglevel Bug [1727261]( - Allow to control Sqlite.jsm logging through a pref. * widget.non-native-theme.always-high-contrast Bug [1734115]( - Add basic support for dark form controls to nsNativeBasicTheme.

rusty-snake commented 2 years ago

Did anyone ANYONE told them¹ that there's a ten years old w3c standard for that?


Two Headers for the same thing. One passive FP vector more.

¹authors of CCPA and CRPA

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

One passive FP vector more

and active - you can query it via JS

However, it should have no impact on fingerprinting for most people. Just don't do anything and you will be the same as almost everyone else on Firefox .... it's completely independent of everything else (for now)

But then I fully expect them to tie it to ETP strict mode and PB windows and it'll be the shit-show that DNT. DNT and this should have a RFP protection - DNT was too hard to do and a political fucktoy - everyone hated it and no-one wanted to touch it.

They should deprecate DNT, and if/when GPC is controlled via other settings (ETP/PB windows) then when that happens they need to wrap RFP into it

gitthehubs commented 2 years ago

Firefox 94.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes

To better protect all Firefox users against side-channel attacks such as Spectre, we’ve introduced Site Isolation. We’ve got your back...errr...side!

But site isolation don't seem to be enabled.

Introducing Firefox’s new Site Isolation Security Architecture

To enable Site Isolation on Firefox Beta or Release:

Navigate to about:config. Set fission.autostart pref to true. Restart Firefox.

This pref is default set to 'false'..

Now Firefox introduced site isolation, should it be enabled in the user.js or wait till Firefox enables it?

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

1732358 assuming everything goes smoothly ... FF96 landing 2022-Jan-11

gitthehubs commented 2 years ago

1732358 assuming everything goes smoothly ... FF96 landing 2022-Jan-11

Thanks! That explains it. (Mozilla could have been more clear on that in the release notes)

gitthehubs commented 2 years ago

Just something to add on the Do Not Track and Global Privacy Control discussion...


Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.

I think the Do Not Track header in on a dead end. Global Privacy Control looks like a successor, but it's Californian law and therefor limited to California.

In the EU you have the GDPR which states that you cannot track users, collect and process personal data without consent, that's why people in de EU have those cookie policy warnings. Complete guide to GDPR compliance

The EU privacy watchdog wants a complete ban on targeted advertising.

Euro privacy watchdog calls for end of targeted advertising plus a squeeze on the processing of personal info

But as with GPC this is limited to the EU.

And many of us already use ad-blockers which do a lot of 'do not track'. :)

ginick commented 2 years ago

anyone knows if with "Site Isolation",the Temporary containers add-on will not be needed anymore?

rusty-snake commented 2 years ago


"Site Isolation" (aka. fission) and (d)FPI/TC are two different kinds of isolation.

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

current draft patch -

/* 1402: limit font visibility (Windows, Mac, some Linux) [FF94+]
 * [NOTE] RFP ignores these and uses the value in 4506
 * Uses hardcoded lists with two parts: kBaseFonts + kLangPackFonts [1], bundled fonts are auto-allowed
 * 1=only base system fonts, 2=also fonts from optional language packs, 3=also user-installed fonts
 * [1]*.inc ***/
   // user_pref("layout.css.font-visibility.private", 1);
   // user_pref("layout.css.font-visibility.standard", 1);
   // user_pref("layout.css.font-visibility.trackingprotection", 1);

What if RFP was enabled at at level 2, but TP was at 1 - WTF happens?

I might see if I can get @jfkthame to clarify

Edit: OK, I need to add that PB windows choose the lowest value depending if they're applicable

rusty-snake commented 2 years ago

Paste the function below in your console and the call it like font_visibility({privacy.resistFingerprinting}, {PBM}, {privacy.trackingprotection.enabled}, {privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled}, {layout.css.font-visibility.private}, {layout.css.font-visibility.standard}, {layout.css.font-visibility.trackingprotection}, {layout.css.font-visibility.resistFingerprinting}. Example:

>> font_visibility(true, true, true, true, 3, 3, 3, 1)
>> font_visibility(false, true, true, true, 3, 3, 3, 1)
function font_visibility(rfp, pbm, tp, tp_pbm, private_, standard, trackingprotection, resistFingerprinting) {   
    const BASE = 1;
    const USER = 3;

    var level = 0;
    if (rfp === true) {
        level = resistFingerprinting;
    } else if (tp === true || (pbm === true && tp_pbm === true)) {            
        level = trackingprotection;
    } else {
        level = standard;

    if (pbm === true) {    
        level = Math.max(Math.min(level, private_), BASE);

    level = Math.max(Math.min(level, USER), BASE);

    return level;

python version:

def font_visibility(
        rfp, pbm, tp, tp_pbm,                                        
        private, standard, trackingprotection, resistFingerprinting
    BASE = 1 
    USER = 3

    if rfp is True:
        level = resistFingerprinting
    elif tp is True or (pbm is True and tp_pbm is True):
        level = trackingprotection
        level = standard

    if pbm is True:
        level = max(min(level, private), BASE)

    level = max(min(level, USER), BASE)

    return level
Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I get that

Ignoring PB windows. There is RFP, or TP or standard (TP being the component you see in custom which has an option for all windows or just PB windows). That is all crystal clear. RFP overrides TP which overrides standard

But in a PB windows it takes the lowest of the above one value, or private. This means that is RFP is higher than private, then RFP is altered. RFP should not be overridden IMO, as it alters the FP. Now it's going to be very unlikely that someone does that, but I'd rather the code didn't allow it

edit: see

console.log( font_vis(true, true, true, true, 1, 1, 1, 2 ) ) // rfp on in a pb window = 1
cconsole.log( font_vis(true, false, true, true, 1, 1, 1, 2 ) ) // rfp on in a normal window = 2

end edit

Anyway, do you want to type up how that all works in a sentence?

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

@rusty-snake , do you want to add:

/* 0700s: disable falling back from DoH to native in cases of request failure ***/
   // user_pref("network.trr.strict_native_fallback", true);
rusty-snake commented 2 years ago

If you do not want leak via native DNS, you should use network.trr.mode=3 anyway. If you use mode 2 and set this pref to true, you still have leaks (e.g. for NXDOMAIN). So I would say we can ignore it.

fxbrit commented 2 years ago



Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago
fxbrit commented 2 years ago

unless someone else does for me

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

^ thanks, not enough of what I was after, but a start, also XP is not supported anyway :) There are also changes to the warnings since 94


what does it do? - support multi-page logins

To support password manager features for multi-page login forms, we will need to:

  • Implement heuristics to detect username-only forms
  • Notify the password manager when a form has username-compatible
  • Support autofill, autocomplete, context menu in the username-only form
  • Support login capture when users submit the form with

why was it disabled

After discussing with the team, we decide to disable the support of multi-page login form on release channel for 2-3 cycles ito make sure the feature is in a stable state. We have seen some false-positive cases so far

or to put it another way

In some sites, the autocomplete popup for login might be shown in a non-username field

We disable auto-filling of signon fields (0903), but that's not the concern here, as it would still trigger when you enter the field - which has always been the case

Anyway, I guess this is stable enough for release now. And I don't see any privacy issues here not already mitigated

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago
Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

pref("network.disable-localhost-when-offline", false);

I tried this, and TBH IDK what they mean by offline


rusty-snake commented 2 years ago

I tried this, and TBH IDK what they mean by offline

This offline mode

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

Yes, I tried that, it didn't stop localhost loading - quote "went to menu and chose offline"

rusty-snake commented 2 years ago


Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

OK, IDK what the fuck I did, but WFM too - could have sworn I did a restart (and I sanitize on close) - must have been cached (I always use a new tab, so refreshing is not a thing for me - instead did a quick ctrl-shift-del)

fxbrit commented 2 years ago

played around with the other closing prefs:

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago


but wait...

network partitioning includes OCSP

but wait.. there's more

OCSP is only isolated by the firstPartyDomain. It should also be isolated by the partitionKey

but wait... we use FPI

but wait... we'll be moving to dFPI very soon

looking at pbm prefs, there are two in the user.js, and I think it's always a good idea to leave these alone - they are commented out. And they always(?) have a corresponding master all windows mode pref.

For now, I have added it to the tasks in #1051 and we can revisit it in FF96+

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

played around with the other closing prefs:

  • browser.tabs.warnOnClose: it is in the UI as "Confirm before closing multiple tabs"

  • browser.tabs.warnOnCloseOtherTabs: I can't get it to work, in theory it should warn when doing right "Close multiple tabs" > "Close other tabs" but it doesn't work for me. weird.

  • browser.warnOnQuitShortcut: see previous comments. despite it's value and look in the UI it can be bypassed with browser.warnOnQuit set to false.

  • based on this comment I thought browser.warOnQuit would control also the tabs warning prefs, but it doesn't.

quit warnings

OK, so I'm thinking this should be as simple as just adding it and letting users work it all out themselves

My use case


Anyway, I think we should just ignore this rabbit hole labyrinth of old vs new behavior, different OS defaults, changed OS defaults, call it a day, and resort to some nude drinking

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 years ago

browser.tabs.warnOnCloseOtherTabs: I can't get it to work, in theory it should warn when doing right "Close multiple tabs" > "Close other tabs" but it doesn't work for me. weird.

IDK about the menu contexts, but in an app close the warn on other tabs seems about as useful as tits on a bull- see comments from moz devs in previous post

I did some tests (closing app via close button)

FF78, Nightly96

t - warnOnClose
t/f - warnOnCloseOtherTabs
t - warnOnQuit

multi-tab = warning, single-tab = no warning

f - warnOnClose
t/f - warnOnCloseOtherTabs
t - warnOnQuit

multi-tabs = no warning, single-tab = no warning

I couldn't even get a warning for closing the app with a single tab (I do not close on lasttab - this is probably tied into it). In the above, clearly warnOnCloseOtherTabs is fucking useless (maybe it adds something when lasttab is not flipped)

IDFC anymore :)

Jee-Hex commented 2 years ago

Both Close Tabs to the Right and browser.tabs.warnOnCloseOtherTabs have been dependent on browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo since FF67. browser.tabs.warnOnClose only controls the warning prompt when closing a window with multiple tabs.