arkenfox / user.js

Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening
MIT License
9.43k stars 508 forks source link returns with exit code 0 when failing in update_userjs #1810

Open odhil opened 4 months ago

odhil commented 4 months ago returns with exit code 0 when failing to download user.js file, for example, when no internet connection. The assumed result would be to return a non-zero exit code. This way, if the updater fails, one can retry after some time. One way to solve would be by explicitly returning 0 at the end of update_userjs function when it completes succesfully and calling update_userjs || exit 1 to exit when the update_userjs function returns non-zero value.

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 4 months ago

I'll let someone else who knows what they're doing handle this request/suggestion (earthlng usually pops in once a month)

SkewedZeppelin commented 4 months ago

There are already checks to handle this:

Please post the output you are getting @odhil

atomGit commented 4 months ago

after disabling network connection...

$ ./
                ####                                                                    ####
                ####                          arkenfox user.js                          ####
                ####       Hardening the Privacy and Security Settings of Firefox       ####
                ####           Maintained by @Thorin-Oakenpants and @earthlng           ####
                ####            Updater for macOS and Linux by @overdodactyl            ####
                ####                                                                    ####

Documentation for this script is available here:[Options]#-maclinux

Error! Could not download
Error! Could not download user.js
[atom@atompc w6zte69z.default]$ echo $?

this is a problem if the script is run from another script

atomGit commented 4 months ago
unrelated, but shellcheck says... ``` $ shellcheck -o all In line 12: if [ "${EUID:-"$(id -u)"}" -eq 0 ]; then ^-----------------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^---^ SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). Did you mean: if [[ "${EUID:-"$(id -u)"}" -eq 0 ]]; then In line 17: readonly CURRDIR=$(pwd) ^-----^ SC2155 (warning): Declare and assign separately to avoid masking return values. In line 20: [ -z "$SCRIPT_FILE" ] && SCRIPT_FILE=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} ^-------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^----------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: [[ -z "${SCRIPT_FILE}" ]] && SCRIPT_FILE=${BASH_SOURCE[0]} In line 21: readonly SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "${SCRIPT_FILE}") ^--------^ SC2155 (warning): Declare and assign separately to avoid masking return values. In line 115: $DOWNLOAD_METHOD "${tf}" "$1" &>/dev/null && echo "$tf" || echo '' # return the temp-filename or empty string on error ^--------------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. ^-^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: ${DOWNLOAD_METHOD} "${tf}" "$1" &>/dev/null && echo "${tf}" || echo '' # return the temp-filename or empty string on error In line 119: if [ "$(uname)" == 'Darwin' ]; then ^------------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^---^ SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). Did you mean: if [[ "$(uname)" == 'Darwin' ]]; then In line 121: elif [ "$(uname -s | cut -c -5)" == "Linux" ]; then ^-- SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^------^ SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). ^-------^ SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). Did you mean: elif [[ "$(uname -s | cut -c -5)" == "Linux" ]]; then In line 132: if [ "$(grep -c '^\[Profile' "${inifile}")" -eq "1" ]; then ### only 1 profile found ^-- SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^-- SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). Did you mean: if [[ "$(grep -c '^\[Profile' "${inifile}")" -eq "1" ]]; then ### only 1 profile found In line 137: echo "$(grep --color=never -E 'Default=[^1]|\[Profile[0-9]*\]|Name=|Path=|^$' "${inifile}")" ^-- SC2005 (style): Useless echo? Instead of 'echo $(cmd)', just use 'cmd'. ^-- SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). In line 141: if [[ $REPLY =~ ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$ ]]; then ^----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ ${REPLY} =~ ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$ ]]; then In line 163: if [ "$PROFILE_PATH" = false ]; then ^-------------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^-----------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ "${PROFILE_PATH}" = false ]]; then In line 164: PROFILE_PATH="$SCRIPT_DIR" ^---------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: PROFILE_PATH="${SCRIPT_DIR}" In line 165: elif [ "$PROFILE_PATH" = 'list' ]; then ^--------------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^-----------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: elif [[ "${PROFILE_PATH}" = 'list' ]]; then In line 166: if [[ -f "$f1" ]]; then ^-^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ -f "${f1}" ]]; then In line 167: readIniFile "$f1" # updates PROFILE_PATH or exits on error ^-^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: readIniFile "${f1}" # updates PROFILE_PATH or exits on error In line 168: elif [[ -f "$f2" ]]; then ^-^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: elif [[ -f "${f2}" ]]; then In line 169: readIniFile "$f2" ^-^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: readIniFile "${f2}" In line 185: echo "$(sed -n '5 s/.*[[:blank:]]\([[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]*\)/\1/p' "$1")" ^-- SC2005 (style): Useless echo? Instead of 'echo $(cmd)', just use 'cmd'. ^-- SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). In line 194: [ "$UPDATE" = 'no' ] && return 0 # User signified not to check for updates ^------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^-----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: [[ "${UPDATE}" = 'no' ]] && return 0 # User signified not to check for updates In line 197: [ -z "${tmpfile}" ] && echo -e "${RED}Error! Could not download${NC}" && return 1 # check if download failed ^-----------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. Did you mean: [[ -z "${tmpfile}" ]] && echo -e "${RED}Error! Could not download${NC}" && return 1 # check if download failed In line 199: if [[ $(get_updater_version "$SCRIPT_FILE") < $(get_updater_version "${tmpfile}") ]]; then ^-- SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). ^----------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. ^-- SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). Did you mean: if [[ $(get_updater_version "${SCRIPT_FILE}") < $(get_updater_version "${tmpfile}") ]]; then In line 200: if [ "$UPDATE" = 'check' ]; then ^---------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^-----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ "${UPDATE}" = 'check' ]]; then In line 204: [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || return 0 # Update available, but user chooses not to update ^----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: [[ ${REPLY} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] || return 0 # Update available, but user chooses not to update In line 209: mv "${tmpfile}" "$SCRIPT_FILE" ^----------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: mv "${tmpfile}" "${SCRIPT_FILE}" In line 210: chmod u+x "$SCRIPT_FILE" ^----------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: chmod u+x "${SCRIPT_FILE}" In line 211: "$SCRIPT_FILE" "$@" -d ^----------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: "${SCRIPT_FILE}" "$@" -d In line 221: [ -e "$1" ] && echo "$(sed -n '4p' "$1")" || echo "Not detected." ^---------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^-------------------^ SC2005 (style): Useless echo? Instead of 'echo $(cmd)', just use 'cmd'. ^--------------^ SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). Did you mean: [[ -e "$1" ]] && echo "$(sed -n '4p' "$1")" || echo "Not detected." In line 226: if [ -f "$input" ]; then ^-------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ -f "${input}" ]]; then In line 228: cat "$input" >> user.js ^----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: cat "${input}" >> user.js In line 230: elif [ -d "$input" ]; then ^-------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: elif [[ -d "${input}" ]]; then In line 231: SAVEIFS=$IFS ^--^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: SAVEIFS=${IFS} In line 233: FILES="${input}"/*.js ^-------------^ SC2125 (warning): Brace expansions and globs are literal in assignments. Quote it or use an array. In line 234: for f in $FILES ^----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: for f in ${FILES} In line 236: add_override "$f" ^-- SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: add_override "${f}" In line 238: IFS=$SAVEIFS # restore $IFS ^------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: IFS=${SAVEIFS} # restore $IFS In line 251: [ -z "${newfile}" ] && echo -e "${RED}Error! Could not download user.js${NC}" && return 1 # check if download failed ^-----------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. Did you mean: [[ -z "${newfile}" ]] && echo -e "${RED}Error! Could not download user.js${NC}" && return 1 # check if download failed In line 254: Firefox profile: ${ORANGE}$(pwd)${NC} ^-^ SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). In line 255: Available online: ${ORANGE}$(get_userjs_version "$newfile")${NC} ^---------------------------^ SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). ^------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: Available online: ${ORANGE}$(get_userjs_version "${newfile}")${NC} In line 256: Currently using: ${ORANGE}$(get_userjs_version user.js)${NC}\n\n" ^------------------------^ SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). In line 258: if [ "$CONFIRM" = 'yes' ]; then ^--------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ "${CONFIRM}" = 'yes' ]]; then In line 262: if ! [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then ^----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if ! [[ ${REPLY} =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then In line 264: rm "$newfile" ^------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: rm "${newfile}" In line 270: if [ "$COMPARE" = true ]; then ^-------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ "${COMPARE}" = true ]]; then In line 277: local bakname="userjs_backups/user.js.backup.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M")" ^-----^ SC2155 (warning): Declare and assign separately to avoid masking return values. In line 278: [ "$BACKUP" = 'single' ] && bakname='userjs_backups/user.js.backup' ^----------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^-----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: [[ "${BACKUP}" = 'single' ]] && bakname='userjs_backups/user.js.backup' In line 279: cp user.js "$bakname" &>/dev/null ^------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: cp user.js "${bakname}" &>/dev/null In line 284: if [ "$ESR" = true ]; then ^---------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^--^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ "${ESR}" = true ]]; then In line 290: if [ "$SKIPOVERRIDE" = false ]; then ^-------------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^-----------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ "${SKIPOVERRIDE}" = false ]]; then In line 293: add_override "$FILE" ^---^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: add_override "${FILE}" In line 295: done <<< "$OVERRIDE" ^-------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: done <<< "${OVERRIDE}" In line 299: if [ "$COMPARE" = true ]; then ^-------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ "${COMPARE}" = true ]]; then In line 304: remove_comments "$pastuserjs" "$past_nocomments" ^---------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. ^--------------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: remove_comments "${pastuserjs}" "${past_nocomments}" In line 305: remove_comments user.js "$current_nocomments" ^-----------------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: remove_comments user.js "${current_nocomments}" In line 308: diff=$(diff -w -B -U 0 "$past_nocomments" "$current_nocomments") ^--------------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. ^-----------------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: diff=$(diff -w -B -U 0 "${past_nocomments}" "${current_nocomments}") In line 309: if [ -n "$diff" ]; then ^------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^---^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: if [[ -n "${diff}" ]]; then In line 310: echo "$diff" > "$diffname" ^---^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. ^-------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: echo "${diff}" > "${diffname}" In line 314: [ "$BACKUP" = 'multiple' ] && rm "$bakname" &>/dev/null ^------------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^-----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. ^------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: [[ "${BACKUP}" = 'multiple' ]] && rm "${bakname}" &>/dev/null In line 316: rm "$past_nocomments" "$current_nocomments" "$pastuserjs" &>/dev/null ^--------------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. ^-----------------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. ^---------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: rm "${past_nocomments}" "${current_nocomments}" "${pastuserjs}" &>/dev/null In line 319: [ "$VIEW" = true ] && open_file "${PWD}/user.js" ^----------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^---^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: [[ "${VIEW}" = true ]] && open_file "${PWD}/user.js" In line 326: if [ $# != 0 ]; then ^---------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. Did you mean: if [[ $# != 0 ]]; then In line 328: if [ "$1" = '--help' ] || [ "$1" = '-help' ]; then ^-----------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^----------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. Did you mean: if [[ "$1" = '--help' ]] || [[ "$1" = '-help' ]]; then In line 332: case $opt in ^-- SC2249 (info): Consider adding a default *) case, even if it just exits with error. ^--^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: case ${opt} in In line 371: [ -z "${tfile}" ] && echo -e "${RED}Error! Could not download user.js${NC}" && exit 1 # check if download failed ^---------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. Did you mean: [[ -z "${tfile}" ]] && echo -e "${RED}Error! Could not download user.js${NC}" && exit 1 # check if download failed In line 372: mv "$tfile" "${tfile}.js" ^----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: mv "${tfile}" "${tfile}.js" In line 378: echo -e "${RED}\n Error! Invalid option: -$OPTARG${NC}" >&2 ^-----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: echo -e "${RED}\n Error! Invalid option: -${OPTARG}${NC}" >&2 In line 382: echo -e "${RED}Error! Option -$OPTARG requires an argument.${NC}" >&2 ^-----^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: echo -e "${RED}Error! Option -${OPTARG} requires an argument.${NC}" >&2 In line 394: cd "$PROFILE_PATH" || exit 1 ^-----------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: cd "${PROFILE_PATH}" || exit 1 In line 397: if [ -n "$(find ./ -user 0)" ]; then ^-------------------------^ SC2292 (style): Prefer [[ ]] over [ ] for tests in Bash/Ksh. ^-------------^ SC2312 (info): Consider invoking this command separately to avoid masking its return value (or use '|| true' to ignore). Did you mean: if [[ -n "$(find ./ -user 0)" ]]; then In line 401: cd "$CURRDIR" ^-----------^ SC2164 (warning): Use 'cd ... || exit' or 'cd ... || return' in case cd fails. ^------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: cd "${CURRDIR}" || exit In line 407: cd "$CURRDIR" ^-----------^ SC2164 (warning): Use 'cd ... || exit' or 'cd ... || return' in case cd fails. ^------^ SC2250 (style): Prefer putting braces around variable references even when not strictly required. Did you mean: cd "${CURRDIR}" || exit For more information: -- Brace expansions and globs are li... -- Declare and assign separately to ... -- Use 'cd ... || exit' or 'cd ... |...
Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 months ago

Please post the output you are getting @odhil

been over two months since requested and I consider this an (expected) edge case