arkenfox / user.js

Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening
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changelog v126 [important: read upcoming changes for FF128] #1846

Open Thorin-Oakenpants opened 3 weeks ago

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 3 weeks ago

:green_square: v126

FF126 release notes FF126 for developers FF126 security advisories


⭐ ⚠️ there is a migration of prefs coming in FF128 for sanitizing (on close and manually), including new ones,

so make sure to add any new corresponding sanitizing prefs to your overrides if required before 128

⭐ ⚠️ in FF128 I will also move arkenfox to using FPP not RFP see #1804

if you want to continue to use RFP (4501) and/or LB (4504) and/or disable webgl (4520) then you might as well add them to your overrides as well, so I don't change them on you without warning.

see this comment below for my overrides


user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown_v2.cache", true); // [FF128+] [DEFAULT: true] user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown_v2.historyFormDataAndDownloads", true); // [FF128+] [DEFAULT: true] // user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown_v2.siteSettings", false); // [FF128+] [DEFAULT: false] user_pref("privacy.clearOnShutdown_v2.cookiesAndStorage", true) // Cookies, Site Data, Active Logins [FF128+]

user_pref("privacy.clearSiteData.cache", true); user_pref("privacy.clearSiteData.cookiesAndStorage", false); // keep false until it respects "allow" site exceptions user_pref("privacy.clearSiteData.historyFormDataAndDownloads", true); // user_pref("privacy.clearSiteData.siteSettings", false);

- made inactive in user.js 126
   - they are default false

// user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.quicksuggest.nonsponsored", false); // [FF95+] [DEFAULT: false] // user_pref("browser.urlbar.suggest.quicksuggest.sponsored", false); // [FF92+] [DEFAULT: false]

- moved to `9999: DEPRECATED / REMOVED`
user_pref("browser.messaging-system.whatsNewPanel.enabled", false); // deprecated FF126
user_pref("", false); // deprecated FF123


 STATS v126: up to and including section 4500, minus the parrots
    total: 192
 inactive:  50
      n/a    9 (FF128+: clearHistory, clearOnShutdown_v2, clearSiteData prefs)
   active: 133
  default:  23 (at least)
      n/a:   2 (of the three prefs in 0204, only one will apply)
  flipped: 108 (at most)
Thorin-Oakenpants commented 3 weeks ago


Thorin-Oakenpants commented 3 weeks ago

all up, very boring .. only 1 new active pref (spoof english) which if anyone is already using it, it should be in their overrides.

Everything else is upcoming (FF128 sanitizing migration), or commented out since it's at default-what-we-want (or for prefsCleaner), or deprecated

Enjoy the stability of arkenfox :)

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 3 weeks ago

my overrides for FF128 - add em now if you want to continue with RFP in FF128+

user_pref("privacy.resistFingerprinting", true);
user_pref("privacy.resistFingerprinting.letterboxing", true); // optional
user_pref("webgl.disabled", true); // optional
user_pref("privacy.spoof_english", 2); // optional
   // ^ I have en-US app lang and a non-matching en-** OS
  //  so my locale without spoof_english is the same as OS which is not desirable

FYI: re spoof english and en-US on english but not en-US OSes

c3d1c06c-bf26-477e-b0eb-c50ef4477ba6 commented 3 weeks ago

When switching to FPP should privacy.window.maxInner* be disabled, too?

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 3 weeks ago

no, newwin (max sizes) is only used when RFP is enabled

edit: letterboxing is the one that is not tied to RFP

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 3 weeks ago

I'll add some info to #1804 tomorrow hopefully and unlock the topic and everyone can go have a good yarn and discuss it to death :) I of course will unsubscribe having said my bit :) e.g. why I plan to keep using RFP

Tiagoquix commented 3 weeks ago

About privacy.spoof_english 1, if I:

am I good?

eleius commented 3 weeks ago

Noob question: I couldn't find in the new user.js, should I disable it (as suggested here) or is there a master switch somewhere already?

rusty-snake commented 3 weeks ago

1840 ?

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 3 weeks ago

@Tiagoquix IDK - languages is just languages - i.e request page in x,y,z ... and the app language can be different if you want

So you have en-US interface, en-US,en languages - that's all groovey (app language is used by webcontent for a lot of things, e.g. look and feel for widgets: buttons, input fields, etc - which to me is backwards but probably a legacy thing: they should eventually make all chrome use app lang, and all web content use web-request lang, but that also has issues)

Anyway, so what really matters here is the locale - all the Intl....resolvedOptions. If you have en-US language/app-lang and your os is en-US you're cool, but if your os is en-CA or en-GB then it uses that for locale. Same goes for the locales for spanish, french, german etc. But if you have en-US and your os is es-ES then it will use en-US (or so I believe, I do not have a non-english OS handy)

And that's before you start using spoof_english, which only allows spoofing for a single language, not all (because of all the places the app language leaks or is used in web content)

And resetting spoof english also has issues and I think bad design - it does not reset things which actually caused a major regression in Tor Browser where users could mix and match languages and locales - e.g. german language and english locale - relaly bad.

All I can say is test it:

Tiagoquix commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the info and the testing site! Really helpful.

@Thorin-Oakenpants Out of context: could you consider releasing arkenfox v126.1 to fix the semi-colons? I think they're important fixes.

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 3 weeks ago

I already updated the live user.js with the active missing ; - updater will pick up on this. The other is commented out and non-breaking IMO, and is a FF127+ pref recommended not to use (but I get that this is about the syntax part)

What am I missing here? Do I really need to a 126.1 release?

edit: ok, users may not run updater unless they see a new release version, because let's face it, it's manual

Tiagoquix commented 3 weeks ago

edit: ok, users may not run updater unless they see a new release version, because let's face it, it's manual

exactly that!

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 3 weeks ago

g-2-s commented 3 weeks ago

You're good people, Thorin-Oakenpants.

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 3 weeks ago

now at 31 spartas

31 spartas

last time I counted in sparta units cc: @bagder I will catch you :) edit: curl at 34.6k right now

MagicalDrizzle commented 2 weeks ago

may I ask if the cpd migration to clearHistory already happened? because there are only the latter in user.js, as opposed to the v2 prefs where we have both until 128 rolls out

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 weeks ago

because there are only the latter in user.js

they are both in the user.js - migration should not be happening until 128 AFAIK

opusforlife2 commented 2 weeks ago

For choosing between FPP and RFP from 128 onwards, can we summarise RFP as "If it doesn't break anything (important) for you, you should use it."?

Tiagoquix commented 2 weeks ago

For choosing between FPP and RFP from 128 onwards, can we summarise RFP as "If it doesn't break anything (important) for you, you should use it."?

There's a wiki page about RFP:

After reading, the user can decide to have it enabled or not.

opusforlife2 commented 2 weeks ago

RFP is on for every AF user by default. That's a privacy recommendation. The users choosing to disable it are the odd ones out, effectively saying "I don't care about what AF recommends, I'm okay with reduced privacy protection because I want XYZ to work".

From 128, RFP will be off by default, in favour of FPP. Does this mean AF is saying:

  1. "FPP is now recommended, don't bother with RFP.", similar to how FPI was deprecated in favour of the superior dFPI, or
  2. "AF is reducing privacy protection for all users by default. If you want to maintain the same level of privacy as before, keep RFP enabled."


All I care about is a one word answer to the question "Does AF still recommend RFP over FPP for more privacy protection, damn the breakages?". Yes or no?

1804 doesn't provide an answer, and #1716 is far too long-winded and confusing to be able to spot one, if it is even there.

Right now, my tentative answer is yes, because "Thorin is still using it, so it must be good."

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 weeks ago - when I feel like it, I grew to hate writing about FPing due to incessant nature of idiots and having to repeat myself, to the point where it's a blocker

that said the answer is really simple - do what you like - if shit doesn't break (much) RFP is better and more robust. If you can't handle the breakage (or usability shit like FPS at 60 or timezone as iceland) then don't use it. Same as always. I'm just changing the DEFAULT in the TEMPLATE

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 2 weeks ago

without my support,. users can also use FPP (default) but kick in RFPTargets - so all RFP minus the bits that break (edit: but I'm not going to support that here, as in helping people with it, fuck that, I have enough to do)

opusforlife2 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm just changing the DEFAULT in the TEMPLATE

I think this is a POV problem. You're underestimating the psychological impact such changes can have on users, because you're sitting on top of a hill with all the background knowledge and expertise on the issue.

What may be a simple "Eh, I'll just add a couple slashes to the RFP prefs." to you might be a "Holy shit AF just turned off RFP entirely what does this MEAN!?" for mere users.

if shit doesn't break (much) RFP is better and more robust

THANK YOU. The fact that you're still saying this, now that the decision to move to FPP by default is already made, is what mattered here.

runs away to order buckets of ice cream in celebration

Tiagoquix commented 2 weeks ago

Thorin has a strong position on Arkenfox being just a template, and not a file-that-dicatates-your-usage. I like it. As long Thorin makes it very clear in the new release notes (possibly with a link to the RFP page on the wiki), I'm fine with it.

Big spoilers ahead! _have some ice cream, people!_ ![image](
opusforlife2 commented 2 weeks ago


Dictation is different from recommendation. There are entire sections in the user.js labelled "don't touch" or "don't bother". Of course the user is free to mess around with every single pref, but AF defaults are defaults for a reason, and deviating from them isn't done lightly.

Opening-Button-8988 commented 2 weeks ago

Just want to add my two cents. @Thorin-Oakenpants it looks like you spend quite a bit of time replying to people in issues, turning the issue tracker into basically a forum. It takes a long time to understand anything, because you assume so much prior knowledge. We're not all up to date on what's going on here. I really think you need to focus on the documentation, focus on summarising and keeping things simple (while retaining references to more complicated material) such that this project can be more accessible to a wider (but still technical) audience. I recommend also adding a Discussions page. People can read the documentation and get answers from other people telling them to read the docs again because it already contains everything necessary. This is what all developers should do, really.

Discussion doesn't belong in issue trackers, and when you don't have your own dedicated page for discussion you encourage it on other platforms, which leads to people taking information out of context and doesn't aid in comprehension.

Otherwise, love what you're doing, I respect your decisions regardless.

Janaue commented 2 weeks ago

yeah the topic and the acronyms are already hard to follow, and then the changes by mozilla year after year makes it more nebulous lol

opusforlife2 commented 2 weeks ago

I can help out with documentation if stuff is explained to me.

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 1 week ago

for those wondering why

Thorin-Oakenpants commented 1 week ago

since we only really care about recent (and future) date-times

to clarify, that means usability for the user with their calendars, current day/date/time etc = to stay consistent all year round with UTC. Historically dates differ (prior to 1912 - but all users are the same, so not an entropy or usability issue)

GlitteringReturn commented 4 days ago

Holly crap, I remember barely reading through the Wiki, implementing Arkenfox into my browser, albeit not understanding the update & maintain section. A couple months of University went by, I read this, and I have no clue what is going on tbh. Anyway, two questions, (1) can we cut out all the BS so to say and make a concise summary and guide to implement and maintain Arkenfox, only with integral steps and information necessary to get it running, in one central location (i.e., 1 webpage or document), this would really help put people who do not have a background in computer science (2) this is kinda pointless, but can we add rounded edges to the letterbox like Mullvad?