arkhipenko / TM1650

TM1650 based seven segment display driver for arduino
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ESP32 Support #3

Closed jwktje closed 2 years ago

jwktje commented 5 years ago

The library doesn't compile for my ESP32.

I need to set the flag TM1650_USE_PROGMEM to not include PROGMEM. How do I do that without modifying the library itself?

arkhipenko commented 5 years ago

I am afraid the only way right now is to comment out line #28 in the tm1650.h file Sorry - this was developed and used on AVR boards only

jwktje commented 5 years ago

I'm getting additional errors after doing this. Would it be hard to make this library compatible with ESP32? Could I do this myself? I don't have much experience with porting libraries.

I would really love to use the TM1650 however. What would be my best bet? Make a branch for this in a fork?

arkhipenko commented 5 years ago

This is very weird: I just compiled TM1650 Example 1 on ESP32 without any modifications to the library. Let's get a few data points: Are you using Arduino IDE or something else (I use 1.8.5 Windows)? Which versions? Which Board option (ESP32 Dev Module. ESP32 board option v1.0.1)?

Could you please send me your ESP32 board name/description, the sketch and error messages to

jwktje commented 5 years ago

I'm using the ESP-WROOM-32 module on my own pcb. So it is very much like a Lolin32 from Wemos for example. But I flash it using the ESP32 Dev Module setting. I was on 1.0.2-rc1. I'll test more on 1.0.1 and retry.

I just read somewhere that on ESP32 it should load it as such; #include <pgmspace.h> This works but after this it creates the following errors (when trying to compile the example).

TM1650_test:3: error: 'TM1650' does not name a type
 TM1650 d;
/Users/jwktje/Documents/Arduino/TM1650_test/TM1650_test.ino: In function 'void setup()':
TM1650_test:12: error: 'd' was not declared in this scope
/Users/jwktje/Documents/Arduino/TM1650_test/TM1650_test.ino: In function 'void loop()':
TM1650_test:18: error: 'd' was not declared in this scope
TM1650_test:20: error: 'TM1650_MIN_BRIGHT' was not declared in this scope
TM1650_test:26: error: 'TM1650_MAX_BRIGHT' was not declared in this scope
exit status 1
'TM1650' does not name a type

Update: Just tested with 1.0.1 but the same errors occurred.

arkhipenko commented 5 years ago
TM1650_test:3: error: 'TM1650' does not name a type
 TM1650 d;

This is strange - it almost looks like you have not included the library or did not install it properly (which sounds silly, but still).

Do you have the TM1650 library folder in your Arduino/libraries subfolder? Do you have #include <TM1650.h> statement in your sketch?

Or let's start with: can you compile example 1 from the library - because that worked for me and I cannot explain why it does not work for you.

jwktje commented 5 years ago

I tried that. But now redownloading everything and commenting out the define, it compiles. //#define TM1650_USE_PROGMEM

When I don't uncomment that line, it fails however. You said you can compile without changing the lib?

arkhipenko commented 5 years ago

When I don't uncomment that line, it fails however. You said you can compile without changing the lib?

Yes. I just installed support for ESP32 into the Arduino IDE and compiled example 1 as described earlier.

jwktje commented 5 years ago

Strange. I can't compile unless I remove that define. But anyway, doing that makes it work. So the issue can be closed. It must be something strange on my machine that causes this.

jwktje commented 4 years ago

Found a fix. Preparing a PR now