Closed gstoffer closed 8 years ago
Hello, @gstoffer.
The issue you are encountering was already reported on the PostgreSQL mailing list on July 7, 2015. I am not sure if there has been any progress since then, but it might be a good idea to ask them.
As a workaround, you can create the history table without using LIKE/AS
Many thanks for the answer and the workaround. :-)
As this is not a bug in your project, I close this ticket.
Regards :-)
CONFIGS : PostgreSQL 9.4 Temporal_tables 1.0.2
I have an issue when I use a versioned table contains an array column like this :
CREATE TABLE example ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name text, url text, enabled boolean DEFAULT true, tags text[], sys_period tstzrange NOT NULL DEFAULT tstzrange(current_timestamp, null) );
CREATE TABLE example_history (LIKE example);
CREATE TRIGGER versioning_example_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON example FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE versioning('sys_period', 'example_history', true);
INSERT INTO example VALUES (DEFAULT, 'john', '', true, ARRAY['doe', 'John'], DEFAULT);
DELETE FROM example WHERE id = 1;
When I DELETE on this table I got this error : column "tags" of relation "example" is of type text[] but column "tags" of history relation "example_history" is of type text[]
Guillaume STOFFER