arkmanager / ark-server-tools

Set of server tools used to manage ARK: Survival Evolved servers on Linux
MIT License
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EngineCrashHandler: Signal=11 #1157

Open Batur123 opened 3 years ago

Batur123 commented 3 years ago

I cant find whats causing the problem. Notes: I dont use any mods, operating system is Centos7. Ekran Alıntısı

Here is my config file,

arkstChannel="master"                                               # change it to a different branch to get non-stable versions

# config SteamCMD
steamcmdroot="/home/batu/steamcmd"                                 # path of your steamcmd instance - change this to "/usr/games" on Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS if you have the steamcmd package installed
steamcmdexec=""                                          # name of steamcmd executable - change this to "steamcmd" on Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS if you have the steamcmd package installed
steamcmd_user="batu"                                               # name of the system user who own steamcmd folder
steamcmd_appinfocache="/home/batu/Steam/appcache/appinfo.vdf"      # cache of the appinfo command - change this to "/home/steam/.steam/appcache/appinfo.vdf" on Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS if you have the steamcmd package installed
steamcmd_workshoplog="/home/batu/Steam/logs/workshop_log.txt"      # Steam workshop log - change this to "/home/steam/.steam/logs/workshop_log.txt" on Debian/Ubuntu/CentOS if you have the steamcmd package installed
#steamlogin="anonymous"                                             # Uncomment this to specify steam login instead of using anonymous login
#steamcmdhome=/home/steam                                           # Uncomment this to override steamcmd home directory

# config environment
arkserverexec="ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer"        # name of ARK server executable
arkbackupdir="/home/batu/ARK-Backups"                              # path to backup directory
arkwarnminutes="60"                                                 # number of minutes to warn players when using update --warn
arkprecisewarn="false"                                              # set this to true to obey warnminutes even if no players are connected (recommended for clusters)
arkNoPortDecrement="true"                                           # unset this to use the old Port - 1 behaviour
arkautorestartfile="ShooterGame/Saved/.autorestart"                 # path to autorestart file
arkAutoUpdateOnStart="false"                                        # set this to true if you want to always update before startup
arkBackupPreUpdate="false"                                          # set this to true if you want to perform a backup before updating
# arkBackupPostCommand='aws s3 cp "$backupfile" "s3://bucket_name/backups"'  # Set this if you want a command to run after performing a backup
#arkStartDelay=20                                                   # set this to change the maximum delay between server starts - 0 or unser for no delay, will continue immediately when server is up
#defaultinstance_max=20                                             # Same as above, for v1.6.43 compatibility
#arkStagingDir="/home/batu/ARK-Staging"                            # Uncomment to enable updates to be fully downloaded before restarting the server (reduces downtime while updating)

# Options to automatically remove old backups to keep backup size in check
# Each compressed backup is generally about 1-2MB in size.
arkMaxBackupSizeMB="500"                                            # Set to automatically remove old backups when size exceeds this limit
#arkMaxBackupSizeGB="2"                                             # Uncomment this and comment the above to specify the limit in whole GB

# Update warning messages
# Modify as desired, putting the %d replacement operator where the number belongs
msgWarnUpdateMinutes="This ARK server will shutdown for an update in %d minutes"
msgWarnUpdateSeconds="This ARK server will shutdown for an update in %d seconds"
msgWarnRestartMinutes="This ARK server will shutdown for a restart in %d minutes"
msgWarnRestartSeconds="This ARK server will shutdown for a restart in %d seconds"
msgWarnShutdownMinutes="This ARK server will shutdown in %d minutes"
msgWarnShutdownSeconds="This ARK server will shutdown in %d seconds"
msgWarnCancelled="Restart cancelled by player request"

#broadcastcmd="serverchat"                                          # Uncomment to use serverchat instead of broadcast

# Notifications
# discordWebhookURL="{}/{webhook.token}"
# notifyMsgShuttingDown="Shutting down"
# notifyMsgStarting="Starting"
# notifyMsgServerUp="Server is up"
# notifyMsgStoppedListening="Server has stopped listening - restarting"
# notifyMsgServerTerminated="Server exited - restarting"
# notifyTemplate="Message from instance {instance} on server {server}: {msg}"
# noNotifyWarning=true
# notifyCommand='echo "$msg" | mailx -s "Message from instance ${instance} on server ${HOSTNAME}" ""'

# Restart cancel chat command

# ARK server common options - use ark_<optionname>=<value>
# comment out these values if you want to define them
# inside your GameUserSettings.ini file
serverMap="TheIsland"                                               # server map (default TheIsland)
#serverMapModId="469987622"                                         # Uncomment this to specify the Map Mod Id (<fileid> in<fileid>)
#ark_TotalConversionMod="496735411"                                 # Uncomment this to specify a total-conversion mod
ark_RCONEnabled="True"                                              # Enable RCON Protocol
ark_ServerPassword=""                                               # ARK server password, empty: no password required to login
ark_ServerAdminPassword="keyboardcat"                               # ARK server admin password, KEEP IT SAFE!
#ark_GameModIds="487516323,487516324,487516325"                     # Uncomment to specify additional mods by Mod Id separated by commas
#ark_AltSaveDirectoryName="SotF"                                    # Uncomment to specify a different save directory name

# ARK server flags - use arkflag_<optionname>=true
#arkflag_OnlyAdminRejoinAsSpectator=true                            # Uncomment to only allow admins to rejoin as spectator
#arkflag_DisableDeathSpectator=true                                 # Uncomment to disable players from becoming spectators when they die

# ARK server options - i.e. for -optname=val, use arkopt_optname=val

# config Service
logdir="/var/log/arktools"                                          # Logs path (default /var/log/arktools)

# steamdb specific
appid=376030                                                        # Linux server App ID
mod_appid=346110                                                    # App ID for mods

# Mod OS Selection
# Add mod-specific OS selection below:

# alternate configs
# example for config name "ark1":

defaultinstance="main"                                              # See /etc/arkmanager/instances/main.cfg - Instance config options will overide the Global option in this file.
klightspeed commented 3 years ago

Please try verifying the files - arkmanager update --validate

Batur123 commented 3 years ago

I did but still not running.


klightspeed commented 3 years ago

Does it still crash if you unset LC_ALL and LANG (or set LC_ALL=C)? It looks like you have a Turkish locale (given the İ in İptal edildi), and I would not be surprised if the server uses locale-sensitive upper or lower case conversion, which would lower-case I to ı and upper-case i to İ.

Perhaps the program should override the locale to be C?