arkmanager / ark-server-tools

Set of server tools used to manage ARK: Survival Evolved servers on Linux
MIT License
680 stars 144 forks source link

Mod 123456789 was not successfully downloaded #1169

Closed BurtGummer closed 3 years ago

BurtGummer commented 3 years ago


same problem like:

root@sa /var/log # arkmanager update @sa5 --ifempty --saveworld --backup --update-mods                                                                                                        │·····················
Running command 'update' for instance 'sa5'                                                                                                                                                   │·····················
Checking for update; PID: 28128                                                                                                                                                               │·····················
Downloading mod 1654255131 ... Mod 1654255131 was not successfully downloaded                                                                                                                 │·····················
Your server is already up to date! The most recent version is 6084280.                                                                                                                        │·····················
root@sa /var/log # arkmanager update @sa3 --update-mods                                                                                                                                       │·····················
Running command 'update' for instance 'sa3'                                                                                                                                                   │·····················
Checking for update; PID: 31573                                                                                                                                                               │·····················
Downloading mod 1654255131 ... Mod 1654255131 was not successfully downloaded                                                                                                                 │·····················
Your server is already up to date! The most recent version is 6084280.                                                                                                                        │·····················
root@sa /var/log #  
root@sa /var/log # arkmanager upgrade-tools                                                                                                                                                   │·····················
arkmanager v1.6: Checking for updates...                                                                                                                                                      │·····················
Getting latest release...                                                                                                                                                                     │·····················
Your ARK server tools are already up to date                                                                                                                                                  │·····················
root@sa /var/log #     

There are no log entries in /var/log/arktools/arkserver.log or /var/log/arktools/arkmanager.log. I have no idea, how I can fix this problem. Any ideas?

klightspeed commented 3 years ago

If you add the --verbose flag, do you get any extra info?

Assuming your Steam directory is ~/Steam, does ~/Steam/workshop_log.txt contain any errors?

BurtGummer commented 3 years ago


thank you for your answer! :-)

OK, --verbose sounds good:

root@sa / # arkmanager update @sa5 --ifempty --saveworld --backup --update-mods --verbose
Running command 'update' for instance 'sa5'
Checking for update; PID: 19496
Downloading mod 1654255131Executing /home/steam/steamcmd/ +@NoPromptForPassword 1 +login anonymous +workshop_download_item 346110 1654255131 +quit
Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.
"@NoPromptForPassword" = "1"

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Downloading item 1654255131 ...
ERROR! Download item 1654255131 failed (Failure).Mod 1654255131 was not successfully downloaded
Your server is already up to date! The most recent version is 6137077.
root@sa / #

and /home/steam/Steam/logs/workshop_log.txt

[2021-01-27 05:43:46] [AppID 346110] Loaded workshop items in "/home/steam/Steam/steamapps/workshop" (46 installed, 46 needed)
[2021-01-27 05:43:46] [AppID 346110] Download item 1654255131 requested by app
[2021-01-27 05:43:46] [AppID 346110] Starting Workshop download job (downloading updating )
[2021-01-27 05:43:51] [AppID 346110] Update canceled: File commit failed: staging file is missing (Missing update files) "/home/steam/Steam/steamapps/workshop/downloads/346110/1654255131/LinuxNoEditor/Bobcat/Animations/Cat_Aim_Base.uasset.z"
[2021-01-27 05:43:51] [AppID 346110] Download item 1654255131 result : Failure
[2021-01-27 05:43:51] [AppID 346110] Finished Workshop download job : Missing update files
[2021-01-27 05:43:51] [AppID 346110] Updating workshop item details failed with Failure

Hmm, problem with a file, try to reinstall the mod:

root@sa ~ # arkmanager reinstallmod 1654255131
Running command 'reinstallmod' for instance 'sa5'
Downloading mod 1654255131 ... Mod 1654255131 was not successfully downloaded
root@sa ~ # arkmanager reinstallmod 1654255131 --verbose
Running command 'reinstallmod' for instance 'sa5'
[  ERROR  ]     Mod 1654255131 is requested but not installed.  Run 'arkmanager installmod 1654255131' to install this mod.
Downloading mod 1654255131Executing /home/steam/steamcmd/ +@NoPromptForPassword 1 +login anonymous +workshop_download_item 346110 1654255131 +quit
Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.
"@NoPromptForPassword" = "1"

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Downloading item 1654255131 ...
ERROR! Download item 1654255131 failed (Failure).Mod 1654255131 was not successfully downloaded
root@sa ~ #
klightspeed commented 3 years ago

Does it succeed if you use arkmanager remove-mods 1654255131 (to remove the mod from the Steam workshop directory), and delete /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/workshop/downloads/346110/1654255131

BurtGummer commented 3 years ago

aah, works now. I have remove the mod (the path /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/workshop/downloads/346110/ is empty), then install the mod again:

root@sa ~ # arkmanager installmod 1654255131
Running command 'installmod' for instance 'sa5'
Downloading mod 1654255131 ... Mod 1654255131 downloaded
Copying files to /home/steam/5ARK/ShooterGame/Content/Mods/1654255131
Mod 1654255131 installed
root@sa ~ #

Thank you very much!