arkmanager / ark-server-tools

Set of server tools used to manage ARK: Survival Evolved servers on Linux
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Added Ragnarok instance to clusterd setup Aborted Bad PID #1277

Open linkuso opened 1 month ago

linkuso commented 1 month ago

Hi i'm trying to add Ragnarok to a excisting clusterd setup that a friend of mine (that unfortunetly has passed away) have setup, this is my first time using tinkering with arkmanager and clusterd setups.

Some info i have run

arkmanager installmods --verbose @ragnarok

i have added Ragnarok to a new line in arkmanager.cfg configfile_ragnarok="/etc/arkmanager/instances/ragnarok.cfg"

the ragnarok.cfg looks like this

arkserverroot="/home/steam/Servers/Ragnarok" serverMap="Ragnarok" ark_Port=7791 ark_QueryPort=27029 ark_RCONPort=27030 ark_AltSaveDirectoryName="Ragnarok" ark_ServerPassword=""

arkserverroot folder looks like this

/home/steam/Servers/Ragnarok steam@ark:Servers/Ragnarok$ ls -la total 85412 drwxr-xr-x 6 steam steam 4096 Jul 12 12:30 . drwxr-xr-x 11 steam steam 4096 Jul 12 12:23 .. drwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 4096 Jun 11 2020 Engine drwxr-xr-x 2 steam steam 4096 Jul 12 11:01 linux64 -rwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 1987 Jul 30 2022 Manifest_DebugFiles.txt -rwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 19609 Jul 30 2022 Manifest_NonUFSFiles.txt -rwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 73578 Jul 30 2022 Manifest_UFSFiles.txt -rwxr-xr-x 3 steam steam 5610607 Mar 24 03:30 PackageInfo.bin drwxr-xr-x 6 steam steam 4096 Sep 1 2021 ShooterGame -rw-r--r-- 1 steam steam 0 Jul 12 12:39 .startAfterUpdate-ragnarok drwxr-xr-x 5 steam steam 4096 Jul 12 11:01 steamapps -rwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 21576016 Dec 27 2021 steamclient64.dll -rwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 18262952 Dec 27 2021 steamclient.dll -rwxr-xr-x 2 steam steam 40226316 Jul 12 11:01 -rwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 272 Aug 5 2021 -rwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 403368 Dec 27 2021 tier0_s64.dll -rwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 350120 Dec 27 2021 tier0_s.dll -rwxr-xr-x 3 steam steam 9 Mar 24 03:30 version.txt -rwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 503720 Dec 27 2021 vstdlib_s64.dll -rwxr-xr-x 7 steam steam 389032 Dec 27 2021 vstdlib_s.dll steam@ark:~/Servers/Ragnarok$

Startup for Rag looks like this

steam@ark:~$ arkmanager start --verbose --no-background @ragnarok Running command 'start' for instance 'ragnarok' The server is starting...

2024-07-12 12:39:57: start 2024-07-12 12:39:57: Running /home/steam/Servers/Ragnarok/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer Ragnarok\?Port=7790\?QueryPort=27029\?RCONPort=27030\?AltSaveDirectoryName=Ragnarok\?ServerPassword\?AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery=True\?AllowHitMarkers=True\?AllowRaidDinoFeeding=True\?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True\?AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft=True\?DisableWeatherFog=True\?DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined=False\?GameModIds=893404454\,1999447172\,895711211\,640022028\,1404697612\,821530042\,893834064\,1148802682\,845781509\,924619115\,1814953878\,2044129379\,1609138312\?GlobalVoiceChat=False\?MaxPlayers=20\?NoTributeDownloads=False\?OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention=True\?PreventSpawnAnimations=True\?RCONEnabled=True\?ServerAdminPassword=nope.jpg\?ServerForceNoHUD=False\?ServerHardcore=False\?ServerPVE=False\?ServerPassword\?ShowFloatingDamageText=True\?ShowMapPlayerLocation=True\?UseOptimizedHarvestingHealth=True\?bAllowFlyerCarryPvE=True\?bDisableStructureDecayPvE=True\?bDisableStructurePlacementCollision=True\?bUseCorpseLocator=True\?listen -Log -NoTransferFromFiltering -Server -ServerRCONOutputTribeLogs -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -servergamelog -servergamelogincludetribelogs -clusterDirOverride=/home/steam/Steam/arkcluster/ -clusterId=ofdeathark 2024-07-12 12:39:57: Server PID: 816087 Shutdown handler: initalize. Using binned. 4.5.1-0+UE4 7038 3077 404 10 [S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed. /usr/local/bin/arkmanager: line 1314: 816087 Aborted "$arkserverroot/$arkserverexec" "$arkserveropts" "${arkextraopts[@]}" 2024-07-12 12:40:02: Bad PID ''; expected '816087' 2024-07-12 12:40:02: exited with status 0 steam@ark:~$

Do i need to add the Instance to the cluster or something else that i have missed? The logs aret really telling me much? Can i look somewhere elese?


klightspeed commented 1 month ago

Condolences on your loss.

Did the server log anything in /home/steam/Servers/Ragnarok/ShooterGame/Saved/Logs/ShooterGame.log?

The log suggests that the game server is exiting within 5 seconds of starting.

Using lsof /home/steam/Servers/Ragnarok, are there any processes running in or keeping files open in the game server directory?

The ARK server does sometimes accidentally daemonize itself (by re-executing itself and exiting), especially when it has automanagedmods enabled. There was a fix to restart the server when this happens, which I had forgotten to create a release for. This should now be in v1.6.63

If there is still a ShooterGameServer process running, you may need to kill it.

linkuso commented 1 month ago


The server hasent logged anything in the Saved folder for Rag, hasn't even created the Logs folder just Config folder and an empty Ragnarok folder. :/

lsof /home/steam/Servers/Ragnarok

it not outputing anything, it just returns to the prompt, so im guessing nothing is locking it. however TheIsland i know for afact is running.

klightspeed commented 1 month ago

Given it sounds like this instance is being started for the first time, with no existing save, does it work without mods (or at least with the same mod set as is on your TheIsland instance)?

linkuso commented 1 month ago

Yes that i would assume aswell, the folderstructure did arkmanager create when i ran arkmanager installmods --verbose @ragnarok

If im comparing the config files to TheIsland i cannot see anywhere other than in arkmanager.cfg and a mods.txt file (that are in the same folder as arkmanager.cfg where) Mod's ar defined, i dont know if the mods.txt is something that arkmanager uses or if that is something that my friend made to just note for himself what mods ar running.



I just realized somehing... do i have to define Ragnarok in ark_GameModIds ?

And no i dont think it has any save, do i need to transfer a excisting save over?

klightspeed commented 1 month ago

If im comparing the config files to TheIsland i cannot see anywhere other than in arkmanager.cfg and a mods.txt file (that are in the same folder as arkmanager.cfg where) Mod's ar defined, i dont know if the mods.txt is something that arkmanager uses or if that is something that my friend made to just note for himself what mods ar running.

Unless it is read in by one of the config files, mods.txt will have no effect on arkmanager.

I just realized somehing... do i have to define Ragnarok in ark_GameModIds ?

ARK DLC maps do not need to be referenced in MapModId or GameModIds

And no i dont think it has any save, do i need to transfer a excisting save over?

No, provided the server files are properly up-to-date (which you can ensure by running arkmanager install --verbose @ragnarok, which runs steamcmd ... app_update 376030 validate), the game server should create the world save file on the first SaveWorld or graceful exit, and should create config files such as ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/GameUserSettings.ini

linkuso commented 1 month ago

OH that reminds me, the GameUserSetting.ini and Game.ini where empty before and i copied TheIslands files, i'll try to remove them and rerun the verbose installer.

Btw is it possible to get some kind of verbose output from steamcmd when staerting the server in no-background mode?

linkuso commented 1 month ago

Holy shit i actually think arkmanager install --verbose @ragnarok did it!

steam@ark arkmanager start --no-background @ragnarok Running command 'start' for instance 'ragnarok' Start aborted due to server already running - pid: 2076836

steam@ark arkmanager status @ragnarok Running command 'status' for instance 'ragnarok' Server running: Yes Server PID: 2076836 Server listening: Yes Server Name: ARK #27270 - (v358.24) Steam Players: 0 / 20 Active Steam Players: 0 Server online: Yes ARKServers link: Steam connect link: steam://connect/my-ip Server build ID: 13834083 Server version: 358.24 steam@ark:~$

klightspeed commented 1 month ago

Btw is it possible to get some kind of verbose output from steamcmd when staerting the server in no-background mode?

arkmanager run @ragnarok should do that.