Closed Ulthrin closed 8 years ago
I found that I had to comment out the serverMapModId
and just specify serverMap="Valhalla"
to get it working for my servers.
@StevenB83 this sounds like you have mod 504122600 included in your GameModIds. Either that, or another mod is providing Valhalla.umap
Hi @klightspeed
I can't see anything that would indicate that. I have never gotten it to work if I have serverMapModId
looked for extra Valhalla.umap files:
steam@ARK:~/Valhalla$ find .|grep Valhalla.umap
Edit: and yes I have checked my ini files, nothing in them that isn't in the arkmanager config files. This goes for my test server which I yesterday set up with nothing but the instance.cfg file and manually installing Valhalla with arkmanager installmod 504122600
@StevenB83 that would suggest that ShooterGameServer Valhalla?...
works while ShooterGameServer -MapModID=504122600?...
does not.
I have tried without ark manager and I get the same results then. I don't know why it works for some and not for others. I have seen others report the same when I was diagnosing my server. Was just suggesting that he could try it since it works for my servers.
Was able to fix it yesterday. installed the map as a mod and not mapmod:
shouldnt be rigght but it works
18:45:26: start 18:45:26: Running /media/server200/ark/Softcore/CraftWorld/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer Valhalla\?GameModIds=504122600\?MaxPlayers=40\?Port=*\?QueryPort=**\?RCONEnabled=True\?RCONPort=32330\?ServerAdminPassword=**\?ServerPassword=*******\?SessionName=CraftWorld\?listen -DisableDeathSpectator -OnlyAdminRejoinAsSpectator 18:45:26: Server PID: 7259
@Ulthrin @StevenB83 Does serverMapModId=504122600
(or -MapModID=504122600?...
when directly running the ARK server) work if you apply #430 and either update or re-install mod 504122600 (the Valhalla mod)?
@klightspeed Sorry for the late reply,
I haven't updated arkmanager since last test, I cleaned out my testserver Mods and Saved folders to get a clean start, tested with serverMapModId="504122600"
and -MapModID=504122600?
when running directly.
Neither worked. It either stops loading and uses about 3,4G memory (waited at least 10 minutes) or loads and none of the instance settings get applied, so server is named ARK #277531
and it's not password protected and so on.
If I do the same with only the serverMap="Valhalla"
or Valhalla?
when launching manually everything works fine.
I edited in the changes (I still had the same version of arkmanager) and did some more testing with the same results. However like I previously stated this should have nothing to do with arkmanager since launching manually doesn't change anything :)
Here are the launch commands I used (which are exactly the same arkmanager produces) This one doesn't work:
/home/steam/Valhalla/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer -MapModID=504122600?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True?GameModIds=590665112,567659264,533175507,536214294,510590313,539464369,520879363,534952636,558651608,536247310,519998112,632097668,576504995,489596581,516096294?MapPlayerLocation=True?MaxPlayers=70?Port=7807?QueryPort=27045?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=32360?RCONServerGameLogBuffer=1200?ServerAdminPassword=MyAwesomePassword?ServerCrosshair=True?ServerPassword=modtesting?SessionName=Norwegian Vikings Valhalla [:.TEST.:]?bRawSockets?listen -servergamelog
This one works:
/home/steam/Valhalla/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer Valhalla?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True?GameModIds=590665112,567659264,533175507,536214294,510590313,539464369,520879363,534952636,558651608,536247310,519998112,632097668,576504995,489596581,516096294?MapPlayerLocation=True?MaxPlayers=70?Port=7807?QueryPort=27045?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=32360?RCONServerGameLogBuffer=1200?ServerAdminPassword=MyAwesomePassword?ServerCrosshair=True?ServerPassword=modtesting?SessionName=Norwegian Vikings Valhalla [:.TEST.:]?bRawSockets?listen -servergamelog
This one also works:
/home/steam/Valhalla/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer Valhalla?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True?GameModIds=504122600,590665112,567659264,533175507,536214294,510590313,539464369,520879363,534952636,558651608,536247310,519998112,632097668,576504995,489596581,516096294?MapPlayerLocation=True?MaxPlayers=70?Port=7807?QueryPort=27045?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort=32360?RCONServerGameLogBuffer=1200?ServerAdminPassword=MyAwesomePassword?ServerCrosshair=True?ServerPassword=modtesting?SessionName=Norwegian Vikings Valhalla [:.TEST.:]?bRawSockets?listen -servergamelog
After getting bored with Theisland map i wanted to try Valhalla map but ran into some problems. made a clean tool and server installation and everything was good and no problem getting on the server.
After i changed to Valhalla map the server wont go online.
I changed back to original map and it came online again.
After reading over what issues other people have had i started to compare the infos with either map running.
the only changes i made to arkmanager.cfg:
and after i used the install mod command
Before i started the server with Valhalla map i deleted the old saved map.
All ports is still forwarded and no changes have been made there
I really hope someone have a idea whats going on.
thanks for a awsome tool....tested LSGM and didnt like it so i came straight back to ASL