arkmanager / ark-server-tools

Set of server tools used to manage ARK: Survival Evolved servers on Linux
MIT License
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Cannot install Ark-server-tools again #404

Closed wafebreaker closed 8 years ago

wafebreaker commented 8 years ago

Hey guys, my english is not that good, so please bear in mind.

I installed ark-server-tools exactly as it say in readme, and it worked, more or less. But i then i got an error which is not important but i deinstalled it, with that command: arkmanager uninstall-tools

After that i tried to reinstall it again, but now the installation does not create new cfg in /etc/arkmanager, so everytime i want to start it, or install it with arkmanager install, it tells me that:

root@Server-PC:/etc# arkmanager install /usr/local/bin/arkmanager: Zeile 81: /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden /usr/local/bin/arkmanager: Zeile 81: /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden /usr/local/bin/arkmanager: Zeile 81: /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden /usr/local/bin/arkmanager: Zeile 81: /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden /usr/local/bin/arkmanager: Zeile 81: /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

So what can i do for now ?

klightspeed commented 8 years ago

Did you re-install it using the install script?

wafebreaker commented 8 years ago

i used, deleted every directory i found about arkmanager, like dot files in /etc/arkmanager or in home directory of my steam user.

When i try to install it, via or curl on my user steam, and try to use a command like arkmanager, it tells me that: command not found

wafebreaker commented 8 years ago

First installation everything worked fine. It created a cfg file in /etc/arkmanager, etc, but after i used arkmanager uninstall-tools and deleted every folder, it does not create a new arkmanager.cfg file when i want to install it via curl or

klightspeed commented 8 years ago

Please move /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg.cfg to /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg

wafebreaker commented 8 years ago

but its not that cfg i had at first installation, there is so much missing. And i already done that, the next problem is, that when i use arkmanager install, it asked me which instance i want to use 'install'.

Why is it me asking that now and not at first time?

Thx for helping btw

klightspeed commented 8 years ago

Please copy /etc/arkmanager/instances/instance.cfg.example to /etc/arkmanager/instances/main.cfg, and edit it with the server options.

If you don't want to run multiple instances, then uncomment defaultinstance="main" in /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg

@FezVrasta should we default to having a main instance and have defaultInstance="main" uncommented in arkmanager.cfg?

wafebreaker commented 8 years ago

Alright, and my last question is, do i have to download the ark server with ark server tools, or can i use my installed server?

Edit: there is no defaultinstance="main"

This is my full config file:

# config SteamCMD
steamcmdroot="/home/steam/steamcmd"                                 # path of your steamcmd instance
steamcmdexec=""                                          # name of steamcmd executable
steamcmd_user="steam"                                               # name of the system user who own steamcmd folder

# config Server
arkserverroot="/home/steam/server/ark"                                     # path of your ARK server files (default ~/ARK)
arkserverexec="ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer"        # name of ARK server executable
arkqueryport="27016"                                                # ARK query port (default 27016)
arkserverport="7778"                                                # ARK server port (default 7778)
arkserverpass="lol123"                                      # ARK server password, empty: no password required to login
arkserverapass="******"                                      # ARK server admin password, KEEP IT SAFE!

# config Service
servicename="arkserv"                                               # Name of the service (don't change if you don't know what are you doing)
logdir="/var/log/arktools"                                          # Logs path (default /var/log/arktools)

# steamdb specific
appid=376030                                                        # Linux server App ID

# admin information
servermail=""                                                       # Log email, leave blank

Thx a lot

klightspeed commented 8 years ago

You should be able to use an existing server - set arkserverroot in your main.cfg to the install directory of your ARK server.

Edit: that looks like an ancient v1.0 config.

wafebreaker commented 8 years ago

Alright, i added the line defaultinstance="main" to config and used arkmanager install again, now i have this screen for a while:

root@Server-PC:/etc/arkmanager/instances# arkmanager install Running command 'install' for instance 'main' ... \

wafebreaker commented 8 years ago

And how do i get the new config? Im really confused right now and im sorry that i steal your time because i do mistakes, but i dont know what to do. As i said, first installation everything worked fine, and now every file is not the same as earlier

klightspeed commented 8 years ago

Did you point arkserverroot to your ARK install?

Is your ARK install up-to-date?

arkmanager install will perform a full re-validation of the server install, and update it if necessary. This will take a while.

And how do i get the new config?

Since there was a bug in the installer script, the new config will be in /etc/arkmanager/.arkmanager.cfg.cfg. You can copy settings from that to /etc/arkmanager/arkmanager.cfg as needed.

wafebreaker commented 8 years ago

Okay, this cfg is definitly better, but btw, defaultInstance="main" is still missing there.

I renamed instances.cfg.example to main.cfg and pointed to my ark installed directory, and changed everything in arkmanager.cfg and added the line with defaultinstance, and i used arkmanager install again, and now there are again these lines:

root@Server-PC:/etc/arkmanager/instances# arkmanager install Running command 'install' for instance 'main' ... \

Could you tell me why the installation now is so much harder than the installation at the beginning? I want that back, because that was way easier..

dragnod0 commented 8 years ago

[GER] Laut deinem ersten Post ist deine Muttersprache deutsch. Daher antworte ich dir auch mal auf deutsch ;) Der Entwickler hat die Möglichkeit eingeführt mehl als einen ark Server auf einem Rechner parralel laufen zu lassen. Das macht die Konfiguration leider etwas komplizierter als vorher. Aber nicht sehr viel. Wenn du hilfe brauchst kannst du dich auch in den Portalen oder per PN an mich (dragnod0) wenden. Ich denke ich kann dir da twas bei helfen.

[ENG-mostly Goggle Translate] According to your first post, your native language is German. Therefore I answer you in german. The developer has the option introduced more than one ark Server to run parralel on one computer. This makes the configuration unfortunately more complicated than before. But not very much. If you need help you can easily also in the portals or contact me via PM (dragnod0). I think I can help you.

klightspeed commented 8 years ago

Closing old issues.