arknoll / ansible-role-selenium

Ansible Role Selenium
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Problem enabling selenium on Ubuntu 16.04 #7

Closed iainhouston closed 8 years ago

iainhouston commented 8 years ago

Not seen this with Ubuntu 14.04. Do we need to register selenium.service in a new way for Ubuntu 16.04 so that the run step works?

- name: run
  service: name=selenium state=started enabled=yes
  tags: [configuration, selenium, selenium-run]


fatal: [dbapc]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": 
"Error when trying to enable selenium: rc=1 selenium.service is not a native service,
 redirecting to systemd-sysv-install\nExecuting /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable 
 selenium\ninsserv: warning: script 'selenium' missing LSB tags and overrides\nupdate-rc.d: 
 error: selenium Default-Start contains no runlevels, aborting.\n"}
iainhouston commented 8 years ago

Doesn't error when selenium_version: 2.46.0 but does error when selenium_version: 2.52.0

geerlingguy commented 8 years ago

There's also a new 2.53.0 release—does that work any better?

boinkster commented 8 years ago

Had this issue on Drupal VM when turning on Selenium on an existing VM... Changing to 2.53.0 in the config.yml and running vagrant provision fixed the issue.

geerlingguy commented 8 years ago

See: — hopefully it works!

arknoll commented 8 years ago

Updating to 2.53.0 as default. Thank you!

swichers commented 8 years ago

I was still getting this with 2.53. Ultimately I wound up downgrading Ubuntu so I could move forward. I did find this comment which gives some insight into a fix: