Closed zoldaten closed 1 year ago
You don't say which OS image you are using, but I'm guessing its either the "Desktop" or "Full" image. Assuming you have read the bluez-alsa project README you will know that to use BlueALSA "The target system must be able to function correctly with all its audio applications interfacing directly with ALSA". Both those images are heavyweight general purpose OS with integrated Bluetooth audio built-in, using pulseaudio. So BlueALSA is not required, and in all but a very few specialized cases it is not appropriate to install BlueALSA on either of those OS images.
I think you need to read the OS documentation for bluetooth audio, because almost certainly you should be using the built-in functionality (or else use a different image, such as the RaspberryPiOS "Lite" image, which does not have a desktop nor integrated pulseaudio).
correct i use "Desktop". thanks for the answer. think i could use bluealse-cli.
hi! following the wiki i built bluez-alsa tools without any errors.
(printed during installation: Libraries have been installed in: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/alsa-lib)
but when i try to start bluealsa-aplay i see:
bluealsa-aplay: W: Couldn't get BlueALSA PCM list: The name org.bluealsa was not provided by any .service files
aplay -D bluealsa yourfile.wav
gives this:bluealsa-aplay -V:
cat ~/.asoundrc:
but i can hear sound with bluetooth with:
aplay -vv out.wav
how to start it working ?