Closed Shigoto-dev19 closed 11 months ago
Hi @Shigoto-dev19, Thank you for the PR! I believe we already have an implementation of Baby Jubjub in the repo, it's under the name ed_on_bn254
; is your implementation different from the existing one? Put another way, is the existing implementation incompatible with the circom one?
Hi @Shigoto-dev19, Thank you for the PR! I believe we already have an implementation of Baby Jubjub in the repo, it's under the name
; is your implementation different from the existing one? Put another way, is the existing implementation incompatible with the circom one?
Hi @Pratyush, yes; I tried ed_on_bn254
myself and I can confirm that it is not the same as the Baby Jubjub curve; Hence not compliant with the circomlibjs or babyjub circuit. For this reason, I added it myself to the arkworks-rs curves.
Please let me know if you need a detailed report on references and marking differences in my implementation.
Just fyi, jubjub is an existing curve: the crate name & dir are wrong here.
Anyways the Fr agrees with ed_on_bn254, so this curve should be isogenious.
Just fyi, jubjub is an existing curve: the crate name & dir are wrong here.
Anyways the Fr agrees with ed_on_bn254, so this curve should be isogenious.
or ed_on_bn254
but I got no compliant results.
include "circomlib/escalarmulfix.circom"; include "circomlib/bitify.circom";
template BabyJub() { signal input e; signal output out[2];
var base[2] = [5299619240641551281634865583518297030282874472190772894086521144482721001553,
component n2b = Num2Bits(253);
component escalarMul = EscalarMulFix(253, base);
var i;
e ==>;
for (i=0; i<253; i++) {
n2b.out[i] ==> escalarMul.e[i];
escalarMul.out[0] ==> out[0];
escalarMul.out[1] ==> out[1];
component main = BabyJub();
/ INPUT = { "e": "2" } /
- Also, if you add the following literature tests from [ERC-2494]( the tests will fail for both ```ed_on_bls12_381``` or ```ed_on_bn254```
mod tests {
use super::*;
pub fn test_jubjub_addition() {
let x1 = MontFp!("17777552123799933955779906779655732241715742912184938656739573121738514868268");
let y1 = MontFp!("2626589144620713026669568689430873010625803728049924121243784502389097019475");
let p1 = EdwardsAffine::new_unchecked(x1, y1);
let x2 = MontFp!("16540640123574156134436876038791482806971768689494387082833631921987005038935");
let y2 = MontFp!("20819045374670962167435360035096875258406992893633759881276124905556507972311");
let p2 = EdwardsAffine::new_unchecked(x2, y2);
let p3 = (p1 + p2).into_affine();
let x3_expected = MontFp!("7916061937171219682591368294088513039687205273691143098332585753343424131937");
let y3_expected = MontFp!("14035240266687799601661095864649209771790948434046947201833777492504781204499");
assert_eq!(p3.x, x3_expected);
assert_eq!(p3.y, y3_expected);
pub fn test_jubjub_doubling() {
let x = MontFp!("17777552123799933955779906779655732241715742912184938656739573121738514868268");
let y = MontFp!("2626589144620713026669568689430873010625803728049924121243784502389097019475");
let p = EdwardsAffine::new_unchecked(x, y);
let p_doubled = (p * F::from(2)).into_affine();
let x_expected = MontFp!("6890855772600357754907169075114257697580319025794532037257385534741338397365");
let y_expected = MontFp!("4338620300185947561074059802482547481416142213883829469920100239455078257889");
assert_eq!(p_doubled.x, x_expected);
assert_eq!(p_doubled.y, y_expected);
pub fn test_jubjub_doubling_identity() {
let x = MontFp!("0");
let y = MontFp!("1");
let p = EdwardsAffine::new_unchecked(x, y);
let p_doubled = (p * F::from(2)).into_affine();
assert_eq!(p_doubled.x, x);
assert_eq!(p_doubled.y, y);
pub fn test_jubjub_membership() {
let x = MontFp!("0");
let y = MontFp!("1");
let p1 = EdwardsAffine::new_unchecked(x, y);
let p2 = EdwardsAffine::new_unchecked(y, x);
assert_eq!(p1.is_on_curve(), true);
assert_eq!(p2.is_on_curve(), false);
pub fn test_jubjub_base_point_choice() {
let Gx = MontFp!("995203441582195749578291179787384436505546430278305826713579947235728471134");
let Gy = MontFp!("5472060717959818805561601436314318772137091100104008585924551046643952123905");
let generator = EdwardsAffine::new_unchecked(Gx, Gy);
let base = (generator * F::from(8)).into_affine();
let Bx = MontFp!("5299619240641551281634865583518297030282874472190772894086521144482721001553");
let By = MontFp!("16950150798460657717958625567821834550301663161624707787222815936182638968203");
assert_eq!(base.x, Bx);
assert_eq!(base.y, By);
pub fn test_jubjub_base_point_order() {
let Bx = MontFp!("5299619240641551281634865583518297030282874472190772894086521144482721001553");
let By = MontFp!("16950150798460657717958625567821834550301663161624707787222815936182638968203");
let base = EdwardsAffine::new_unchecked(Bx, By);
let order = MontFp!("2736030358979909402780800718157159386076813972158567259200215660948447373041");
let p = (base * order).into_affine();
assert_eq!(p, EdwardsAffine::zero());
I also used the Baby Jubub curve API from circomlibjs and it is unfortunately not compliant with any of the arkworks curves.
I am not trying to put my name as a contributor in arkworks, not also that I am an expert in Cryptography or Rust, I barely started learning rust one month ago, I struggled a lot to use rust for the Baby Jubjub circom-compatible curve. I might have overlooked sth here, but all I know that I extensively tried everything but nothing worked.
I don't care if you merge my PR or not, all I wanted from the beginning is to put traces to my efforts so if someone one day follow the same approach for the same reason, I don't want them to get frustrated like I did.
Thank you for your attention and considerate replies :)
Hi @Shigoto-dev19 ,
It seems that the curve equation used by circom is different from the one that we've implemented (but the curves are otherwise isomorphic).
So I think a good way to proceed would be for you to add your new parameters (from jubjub/src/curves/ in the ark-ed-on-bn254 crate (e.g., in
This should save a bunch of duplication (e.g., you would not need to reimplement the fields), and would make the relation between the two curves clear.
Hi @Shigoto-dev19 ,
It seems that the curve equation used by circom is different from the one that we've implemented (but the curves are otherwise isomorphic).
So I think a good way to proceed would be for you to add your new parameters (from jubjub/src/curves/ in the ark-ed-on-bn254 crate (e.g., in
This should save a bunch of duplication (e.g., you would not need to reimplement the fields), and would make the relation between the two curves clear.
Hi @Pratyush I agree, I also made sure that they are different curves by using a new base point from the literature and doing EC operations instead of ark-curves generator(regarding that arkworks generators are different). Still, no result was satisfying as well. I got the desired curve from the fork I did and that's why I tried to show it in this PR. Thanks for the recommendation but I still don't fully get the context :thinking:
I ran into similar issues when working with noir and arkworks, where the default implementations of babyjubjub seem to be incompatible -- for example, the generator specified in eip-2494 does not lie on the curve defined in ed_on_bn254
Is there a plan to merge this PR? Or, create a new PR as suggested above to avoid duplication?
Sorry for the trouble, but we've migrated all activity in this repo over to arkworks-rs/algebra. We're going to archive this repository, so I encourage re-opening this PR against that repo.
Added a Circom compatible Baby Jubjub elliptic curve according to ERC-2494.
Note: I highly appreciate the optimized impementations of EC Cryptography by arkworks-rs and thanks to the flexible API, I hope that this PR would be beneficial to the community regarding the fact that, I personally could not find any circom-compatible and efficient Baby Jubjub implementation as this one.
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