arkypita / ESP8266-SerialTelnet

Telnet to Serial bridge for LaserGRBL
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Security question #3

Open araminimichael opened 2 years ago

araminimichael commented 2 years ago

Hello. I made this code work. But it's been twice that I have a mistake. It loses the connection due to one error or another. And when it loses the connection the laser stays on. Which pierced my 12mm pieces and also 3mm of the wood under the bee nos. Is there a way to cut the laser in case of loss of connection with the software ? I would like to make some kind of automatic circuit breaker that cuts the laser after X second (Sorry automatic translate)

arkypita commented 2 years ago

This is something that doesn't have to be about PC software or ESP chip firmware, but must be done by the firmware of the laser engraver. And I can assure you that this is the case if you are using grbl firmware version 1.1 with laser mode enabled.

araminimichael commented 2 years ago

This is something that doesn't have to be about PC software or ESP chip firmware, but must be done by the firmware of the laser engraver. And I can assure you that this is the case if you are using grbl firmware version 1.1 with laser mode enabled.

Thank you, I'll go read