arkypita / ESP8266-SerialWebSocket

WebSocket to Serial bridge for LaserGRBL
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connect to ortur master 2 control board #7

Open j-lang opened 3 years ago

j-lang commented 3 years ago

Only a question: is it possible to connect the ESP8266 board to the ortur master 2 control board? If yes, is there a connection diagram?

arkypita commented 3 years ago

for what I know it is not possible as the board does not provide an external serial connection, or rather, the card has a header for the serial connection but the ortur firmware does not enable it.

carluito commented 3 years ago

Anda for this one?

carluito commented 3 years ago

Thanks for all

carluito commented 3 years ago

Ok, searching for information i think that the offline conector have 5v, GNd, TX and Rx Screenshot_2021-05-19-03-23-45-478_com android chrome I think its posible Thanks for everything, forgive my poor English and my little knowledge of electronics and programming. I will buy the resistors and others and I will try. I would love to know if as pro you see it possible. a strong greeting