arkypita / LaserGRBL

Laser optimized GUI for GRBL
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Laser Vigotec VG-L7x WiFi LaserGRBL issue #1123

Closed robywoodwork closed 3 years ago

robywoodwork commented 3 years ago

good morning, my name is Roberto. I bought the vigotec laser model VGL x7 with Wi-Fi (which I would not use at all). My question is: I would like to put the firmware of laser GRBL 1.1f but if it does not work, how can I go back? There is a way to extract the machine firmware before I try to change it in order to recover the card. Thanks in advance for the help. a smile, Roberto

robywoodwork commented 3 years ago


robywoodwork commented 3 years ago


eddy64bcd commented 3 years ago

Bonjour, je ne sais pas si je suis au bon endroit pour exposer mon problème. J'ai acheté un laser VG-L7 avec une carte controleur Vigotec et je n'arrive pas a le faire fonctionner avec Lasergbrl, j'ai réussi à la connecter avec 57600 Baud, mais il ne fonctionne pas, pourriez vous m'aider?

robywoodwork commented 3 years ago

I would be happy to make it work. as I told you GRBL I love it, it's fantastic compared to vigoworks. we should find a way to make computer and card communicate via usb. Arkypita mentioned something to me, but for me it is beyond my knowledge.

arkypita commented 3 years ago

I am working on it. Seems that Vigo has put some inconsistency in their grbl implementation in VG-L7X.

Nothing impossible to handle but difficult to undertand because I don't have a Vigo VG-L7X engraver so I cannot debug it.

arkypita commented 3 years ago

Based on the feedback of a user of the LaserGRBL facebook community I was able to see how Vigotech has released its latest VG-L7x machine (WiFi model) with a firmware that does not respect the grbl specifications.

It is unclear which protocol they use for communication, and there are some elusive details about how it synchronizes with the PC. Here is a log of the communication between VigoWork software and the engraver:

There are no "ok" message that let LaserGRBL know that the message are processed, some communication look to be encoded, a 0x88 code is sent periodically and more...

Unfortunately Vigotech does not release specifications of its products, it does not provides documentation, nor does it provide user support or a technical contact to ask for information.

For those problems unfortunately it is not possible for me to implement a communication that supports this engraver.

robywoodwork commented 3 years ago

but if you had the Vigo laser, would you be able to understand and maybe solve the communication problem?

arkypita commented 3 years ago

I think that with an engraver under my hand (or just the control board) i could have 99% of chance to get it working by tracing protocol and by trial and error

Excalibur6310 commented 3 years ago

Following... robywoodwork, I am having similar issues with my vl7x. Best of luck.

arkypita commented 3 years ago

if you want I can bring you mine and we can spend half a day in company. maybe the problem can be solved for my joy and that of all the owners of the Vigo


jendrush commented 3 years ago

It would be really nice to use LaserGRBL with Vigo.

jendrush commented 3 years ago

@arkypita Is there any hope this will work?

arkypita commented 3 years ago

I have good news, in few weeks I think i can release a Vigo compatible version.

jendrush commented 3 years ago

@arkypita Fantastic. Thank you for your work and I hope you can really do it.

StuartB4 commented 3 years ago

@arkypita. That's nice to know. I thought you would find a way.

eddy64bcd commented 3 years ago

@arkypita Super news, I am very happy.

Le 19 oct. 2020 à 21:34, Stuart a écrit :

@arkypita That's nice to know. I thought you would find a way.

Excalibur6310 commented 3 years ago

Wow, I hope you can do it, I think it would open up a lot more users, Good luck!

arkypita commented 3 years ago

I have opened a wiki/project about VG L7x firmware, protocol, hardware hack. Anyone with hacking skills can help here:

BTW I am a good point, I think I could release a test version in few days.

robywoodwork commented 3 years ago

I can not wait

arkypita commented 3 years ago

@Excalibur6310 @robywoodwork @eddy64bcd @jendrush

I release a version with basic support for vigo L7X. Can you test and let me know?

robywoodwork commented 3 years ago

fantastic, as soon as I get the card I try it immediately and update you. thank you

maurice7316 commented 3 years ago

@arkypita I have just tested this and it seems to work OK. Thank you! I have connected via USB, using the driver that was with the Vigotec software. I am unfamiliar with LaserGRBL and presently experimenting with material database. With my 20 watt VG-L7X I can just cut plain paper at material setting of 60% power and 1000 mm/min Thank you for the clear instructions on GRBL configuration, worked first try.

robywoodwork commented 3 years ago

a big Thanks to Arkypita for solving the Vigo Work laser problem. a version of Laser GRBL created specifically for the Vigo un sorriso, Roberto

lottacustoms commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone, since yesterday I also have an VG-L7X and I will also try due I want to controll the laser with Lightburn. So very usefull tread, so I am wondering if the available Firmware V1.3 the original one which could be uploaded if something goes wrong ???

arkypita commented 3 years ago

@lottacustoms I don't think firmware 1.3 has anything to do with VG-L7X. I'ts a firmware for the non-wifi models.

lottacustoms commented 3 years ago

Hi, just tested and it works fine !!! Thank you!!!!


Excalibur6310 commented 3 years ago

Great news, I'm working at the moment but should be able to test in a day or two, the reports look promising. talk soon!

jendrush commented 3 years ago

When i choose multiple passes Vigo stopps not at firs, but later, not doing full work.

maurice7316 commented 3 years ago

Tried using this modified version a bit more with the Vigotec VG-L7X - so much potential... I went looking for range preview as I had found it really useful in the Vigotec software. The preview just travels the size of the presently loaded image with laser on very low power. so I created custom button with the following code: M4 S5 F3000 G0 X[left] Y[bottom] G1 X[right] G1 Y[top] G1 X[left] G1 Y[bottom] G0 X0 Y0 F4000 M5 (This code is borrowed from a post by @StuartB4 - thank you. I changed the F value from 300 to 3000, suited me better)

After creating the button I found had to close and restart LaserGRBL but after that it worked fine... Of course this only does the traverse once, but copy/pasting it a few times (three worked for me) it was very useful.

arkypita commented 3 years ago

When i choose multiple passes Vigo stopps not at firs, but later, not doing full work.

Yes, sometime Vigo does it. Expect issue.

The preview just travels the size of the presently loaded image with laser on very low power.

The current implementation doesn't work well with custom buttons. The machine is unable to follow the stream correctly when "not in job", custom buttons with long code (like the one that makes the frame) can cause the board to freeze.

Expect issue.

leroylee13 commented 3 years ago

I have a VG-L7X 20W on order and I am very interested in being able to use LaserGRBL.
Does this require that I overwrite the routine that ships flashed to memory on the machine, or does LaserGRBL just communicate with orginal firmware?

arkypita commented 3 years ago

LaserGRBL v3.8.1 is able to talk via USB with L7X with some known issue (sometime the board self reset) Just configure like this:

More info here:

arkypita commented 3 years ago

PS: there is still a lot to do in LaserGRBL to make it stable with VG-L7x At the moment I am still doing tests, I see that on long jobs it freezes, i am trying to do my best but vigo has done everything to make things difficult for those who want to use other software!

jendrush commented 3 years ago

I always find such actions incomprehensible. If a company does not make money on software, but hardware, it should be in their best interest to reach more people, e.g. through better software, no matter who created it. Thank you for your work.

juliusgeeklab commented 3 years ago

Hi all. During last week I was testing my new VG-L7X with both VigoWorks software and LaserGRBL v3.8.1 test-release created by arkypita (thanks for your effort to develop this). VigoWorks takes very little advantage of shuch a good piece of frame and 20W laser module (I bought it because the extra lenght of Y axis compared to Neje or Ortur cantilever engravers...and price of course). Only "Text" and "Image Galery" looks to work. I tried to import SVG (in different variations) and standart GRBL without sucess. LaserGRBL was working OK until I decided to stop the job and the application went frozen in such a way I had to reboot the PC (I understand is still in develop, not a problem). I´ll try to modify the Vigo controller doing a selector-bypass with a 4PDT switch bypass the ESP32-WROOM on demand and connecting the CH330N chip to the Atmel 328P, and be able to operate in "Vigo" or "GRBL" mode....Let´s see if it works

juliusgeeklab commented 3 years ago

VG-L7X-20W_air assit

arkypita commented 3 years ago

I´ll try to modify the Vigo controller doing a selector-bypass with a 4PDT switch bypass the ESP32-WROOM on demand and connecting the CH330N chip to the Atmel 328P, and be able to operate in "Vigo" or "GRBL" mode....Let´s see if it works

Good idea. you can follow the "hardware hack" i suggest here:

Please note: this hack was never tested! If you had success (or not) let us know your progress.

juliusgeeklab commented 3 years ago

Good idea. you can follow the "hardware hack" i suggest here:

In fact the idea was inspired by your "hardware hack" post. I realized that I can have both options using the approach with the switch. Now it´s a matter of "dust off" my 7" Digital Microscope and don´t lose the aim with the soldering iron with such small SMD resistors and soldering pads. I´ll publish the results no matter is these are successfully or not.

maurice7316 commented 3 years ago

This is looking really interesting, the idea of dual modes has merit.

Not sure I am following the conversation completely as I haven't worked with Arduino stuff but I have the general concepts... With the hardware hack, wouldn't it be necessary to change the firmware as well to use LaserGRBL mode? In other words, perhaps its not just a matter of flipping the 4PDT switch, but that the firmware has to change as well? Or am I off the track here??

Also I note the air assist in the photo juliusgeeklab posted - is there somewhere I can find detail of this? Apologies that this is rather off topic for the thread.

arkypita commented 3 years ago

Not sure I am following the conversation completely as I haven't worked with Arduino stuff but I have the general concepts... With the hardware hack, wouldn't it be necessary to change the firmware as well to use LaserGRBL mode? In other words, perhaps its not just a matter of flipping the 4PDT switch, but that the firmware has to change as well? Or am I off the track here??

From my tests I have evidence that the atmega firmware is a standard grbl firmware, so the bypass hack give you the ability to connect to LaserGRBL as a standard grbl machine without limits given by vigo firmware, as well give the ability to connect to any grbl software like ligthtburn, t2, ugs...

juliusgeeklab commented 3 years ago

PS: there is still a lot to do in LaserGRBL to make it stable with VG-L7x At the moment I am still doing tests, I see that on long jobs it freezes, i am trying to do my best but vigo has done everything to make things difficult for those who want to use other software!

arkypita, if you need additional help to collect message logs while I´m using LaserGRBL v3.8.1 with the VG-L7X please let me know and I´ll do it. I´m a newby with GRBL codes but I can learn fast.

Also I note the air assist in the photo juliusgeeklab posted - is there somewhere I can find detail of this? Apologies that this is rather off topic for the thread.

Regarding this point I think we have to focus in the current thread and help/contribute to develop the support for VG-LV7 in LaserGRBL on the best of our abilities, knowledge and donations, but for answer your question it was done with a mattress inflation nozzle, a steel tip of a pen and part of a glow fuel filter used in RC models. Lot of patience to allign all and that´s it.

DIY AirAssit detail

juliusgeeklab commented 3 years ago

Good idea. you can follow the "hardware hack" i suggest here:

Please note: this hack was never tested! If you had success (or not) let us know your progress.

This weekend I´ll start desoldering R7/R8 and R37/R38 from VG-L7X controller board and soldering 8 pieces of wire to rise the TX/RX pins of the ESP32, CH330 and 328P to a prototype breadboard in order to implement a test circuit. Since the 4PDT switch will not arrive until Nov 20 or so I´ll try to implement the concept with some jumpers in the breadboard. Just waiting that SMD flux arrives from Amazon before lunch (I hope). Schematic_VG-L7X.switch.modet_20201114_R01.pdf Update: Value of R3/R4 changed to 22Ω to have similar value than original and error fixed in connection between the 328P and the ESP32.

robywoodwork commented 3 years ago

damn guys, I feel so ignorant with all these big words hahaha. Have a nice day

juliusgeeklab commented 3 years ago

Hi all. Having started the work yesterday afternoon I´ve encouraged myself and I´ve done it all at once, and here the result .... !!! IT WORKS !!!.

After set the jumpers in “Vigo” mode and connect the USB cable to verify that the board survived the mod (it means confirm that the USB-Serial CH340 COM3 port pop-ups in “Device Manager” and VigoWorks was fully operative with the board), I turned it OFF, disconnect the USB cable and switched the jumpers to “GRBL” position…..After restart I sighed when saw all was working on first attempt.

To summary, I decided to skip everything and go directly with the ultimate test….”LightBurn”. I decided this because it has the “Find my laser” option to detect the device automatically. I downloaded the Trial version, and after complete the installation the software recognizes the VG-L7X controller board immediately as a GRBL device (GRBL 500mmx 500mm at COM3 115200 baud, G-Code type; see in the pictures). I performed the basic tests like move on X and Y, homing, turn ON the laser and so. All done without problem. Pictures and screencaptures below.

Today I´ll perform tests with LaserGRBL standard version also (no VigoWorks mode) as well as with LightBurn trial and will comment later. I plan to use LaserGRBL as my primary option so prefer to focus to test it in deep.

I want to THANKS to @arkypita for his valuable contribution with the compilation of the reverse engineering and tests he did, because at the end this VG-L7X mod has been possible because that information.

Thanks again @arkypita..…Good Job

juliusgeeklab commented 3 years ago

1605416919379 VG-LX7 Mod recognized by LightBurn_20201115

leroylee13 commented 3 years ago

I have ordered this laser engraver because of price, but it is concerning that it will require modified hardware or software workarounds to get full functionality. I am following the progress on testing being performed. Thank you guys for sharing the results of your efforts.

juliusgeeklab commented 3 years ago

During last week and this weekend I performed some extensive testing with LaserGRBL, LightBurn and UGS (Universal G-Code Sender) using the "GRBL mode" on the VG-L7X controller modded. Here the results:

Running LaserGRBL (See LaserGRBL screen captures below)

Running LightBurn

Running UGS v2.0.6


I hope the results above help. Despite any of the results, I consider the VG-L7X continues to be a good option for begineers, more if we consider that LaserGRBL for work with "VigoWorks" mode is in development. Be safe and stay creative. Julius

VG-LX7 Mod_Vigo GRBL 1 1f config on LaserGRBL_20201115 VG-LX7 Mod_Work finished-no errors on LaserGRBL_20201115

Screen Captures Tests after

lottacustoms commented 3 years ago

I have ordered this laser engraver because of price, but it is concerning that it will require modified hardware or software workarounds to get full functionality. I am following the progress on testing being performed. Thank you guys for sharing the results of your efforts.


as long as you "only" work with LaserGRBL every works fine with VigoMode. The only reason to modify if you wants to work with LightBurn and other GRBL using software. Perhaps the others willl also write a software interface like LaserGRBL. So I want to say anoter time thank you to the Developer of LaserGRBL.


arkypita commented 3 years ago

Hi @juliusgeeklab Thanks for your feedback and testing. You have confirmed that behind the wall created by the esp8266 chip there is a simple standard grbl board.

I don't understand the problems with UGS, it shouldn't be that way. Perhaps UGS are having trouble with customized Vigo welcome message.


as long as you "only" work with LaserGRBL every works fine with VigoMode.

I consider the VG-L7X continues to be a good option for begineers, more if we consider that LaserGRBL for work with "VigoWorks" mode is in development.

I have ordered this laser engraver because of price, but it is concerning that it will require modified hardware or software workarounds to get full functionality.

@lottacustoms @leroylee13 Dear friends, thank you for the feedback you are giving me on this work. I am happy to have been helpful for all of you.

I will shortly insert "VigoWork" functionality in the trunk version of LaserGRBL (currently is a pre-release) with a mechanism to automatically detect that a VigoWork LG7x is connected and suggest the user to activate the "VigoWork" firmware in the configuration. (so we help less smart users!).

I warn you that I don't think I can improve the "VigoWork" mode any further (unless new information comes out, like someone deciphering what the coded messages really mean). Currently the instabilities that exist (for example by doing more passes or with particularly long jobs) are more due to instability of the vigo firmware itself which are also found using their software, but which are perhaps more hidden, moreover I don't have a Vigo engraver (and I don't think I want to buy one) so I can only do my tests in a theoretical way.

Even if the price can be interesting, I honestly feel I do not recommend Vigo products.

It is a company that does not provide any support: not a forum, not a facebook page, not even a simple email address. What guarantee of support does it give you?

Maybe the hardware can be interesting (by the way ... has anyone really managed to use it via Wifi?) But the choices made on the firmware are really stunned.

I would be happy to be proven wrong by the company itself, towards which I am open to any form of collaboration.

lottacustoms commented 3 years ago


but anyway one of my chinese employees had already contact with them due they are available on a chinese platform. So if you need any information perhaps he can ask them directly.

But as already mentioned, it works fine with Laser GRBL for me.

And it works 2 cycles until it abords, but then simply start the job again and so no Problem.

Best regards Marco