arkypita / LaserGRBL

Laser optimized GUI for GRBL
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Share your custom buttons Here! #306

Open arkypita opened 6 years ago

arkypita commented 6 years ago

The last v2.8.39 allow to export custom buttons. If you want to share yours with LaserGRBL community feel free to reply to this post. Don't forget to attach your CustomButtons.gz file!

Arhimed-Ru commented 6 years ago

Arhimed_CustomButtons.gz image 2

arkypita commented 6 years ago

thanks for your share!

Arhimed-Ru commented 6 years ago

another button option bypass (diameter = diagonal) around the picture

circumradius_regular_square_0 ..... G0 X[left] Y[bottom] F3000 M3 S1 F1000 G2 X[left] Y[bottom-0.002] I[right/2-left/2] J[top/2-bottom/2] M5 G0 X0 Y0 F3000 .....

this works :)

Arhimed-Ru commented 6 years ago

if you have a Z-axis motor step up: $J= G91 Z[jogstep] F[jogspeed] step down: $J= G91 Z[0-jogstep] F[jogspeed]

Arhimed-Ru commented 6 years ago

za zd

Arhimed-Ru commented 6 years ago

how to change the scale of the preview??... move the preview??...

Xillius178 commented 6 years ago

FAN O/OFF Buttons: Code for FAN ON M08

Code for FAN OFF M09

laser grbl fan buttons on

laser grbl fan buttons off

Custom Buttons: Fan Control.gz

Xillius178 commented 6 years ago


Can you translate the description of the buttons into English?

Thank you

Arhimed-Ru commented 6 years ago


Move to center of image function: see the place for a rectangular picture (If necessary, you can change S - laser power F - travel speed)

Bypassing perimeter function: see the place for a rectangular picture

Zero position

Bypassing circle X function: see the place for a circle picture with a small diameter [right-left]

Move to the bottom left corner of the image

Disable laser mode $32=0 function: to have a possibility scorch points with stops, see the laser point and adjust focus.

Enable laser mode $32=1

Turn off the laser

Turn on the laser (If necessary, you can change S - laser power) ..... Bypassing circle XY (diagonal)

Venkes commented 6 years ago

le3 rondom

This button draws a rectangular shape around the image area. Alter S100 on the thirth line to make the laser spot visible but not burning! A greater value means more laser power and vice versa.

G0 X[left] Y[bottom] F3000 F2000 M4 S100 G1 X[left] Y[top] G1 X[right] Y[top] G1 X[right] Y[bottom]
G1 X[left] y[bottom] M5 G0 X0 Y0 F3000

bearded1der commented 6 years ago

Thanks for sharing your config @Arhimed-Ru! It's basically everything I was using, plus some!

@arkypita Maybe we could see about adding a method for changing custom button order in a future release to make things more easily customizable? Drag and drop maybe?

Koctetcav commented 6 years ago

Прекрасно. Спасибо большое. Вот только лазер не квключается отдельно кнопкой.

Venkes commented 6 years ago

С меня включается лазер. Может быть, M3 вместо M4 с вами?

I turn on the laser with M4. Maybe M3 instead of M4 for you?

Koctetcav commented 6 years ago

Лазер включается только при перемещении. А мне нужно чтоб при простои моторов включать лазер!?

Koctetcav commented 6 years ago

Я и M3 и M4 пробовал.

Venkes commented 6 years ago

лазер переходит в нижний левый угол области гравировки, затем лазер создает прямоугольник вокруг области, подлежащей гравировке, а затем выключает лазер и затем переходит в исходное положение. В моем случае лазер включается с M4 (третья строка) и выключается M5 (восьмая линия). Ps. Надеюсь, Google переведет все хорошо переведенное!

the laser moves to the lower left corner of the engraving area, then turns on, then the laser creates a rectangle around the area to be engraved, and then turns off the laser and then goes back to its original position. In my case, the laser turns on with M4 (third line) and M5 turns off (eighth line).

arkypita commented 6 years ago

@Koctetcav @Venkes please keep writing english inside english topic!

Venkes commented 6 years ago

@arkypita yes you are right! I'm sorry. I've editted my comments.

marceneirojovem commented 6 years ago

the cheap laser module from China, can operate only half hour, after what its necessary a time for cold. Is it possible a custom button to make a pause after this operation time ? Anybody can help ? Thank you

StuartB4 commented 6 years ago

There already is a pause button. Press the hand to pause and the man to continue. untitled5

marceneirojovem commented 6 years ago

I think I did the wrong question. I want a automatic pause after 45 minutes and a automatic return after a 30 minutes of cooling time. Something like a macro in Gcode to automates the process. Excuse me for the bad english Thank You

bearded1der commented 6 years ago

G4 command is for "Dwell" function which could be added to the middle of a GCode file and theoretically do what you want it to. The operator is in milliseconds for GRBL though. Not sure what the max wait time would be. You could export to a file from LaserGRBL and then modify it manually and then stream it. The streamlined nature of the GCode LaserGRBL generates might make it difficult to decide where to put the pauses though, unless you only did one halfway through a raster engraving.

Would probably be a fairly simple addition if you wanted to submit a feature request to code it in to add those automatically at different intervals. Not sure how useful it would be for most people, but who knows.

marceneirojovem commented 6 years ago

Thank you Bearded1der . I think it would be useful for everyone who has a cheap chinese laser module.

arkypita commented 6 years ago

For who like custom buttons try the latest version Hope you love it!

StuartB4 commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Nice idea, now I can remove 1 custom button and do Laser On and Off with just 1.

1estrider commented 6 years ago

For Z-axis on my laser i had to make a code for up:

G91 g0Z[jogstep]F[jogspeed] G90

and down:

G91 G0Z[0-jogstep]F[jogspeed] G90

Can you make a button that makes a laser go in the middle of the project for positioning?

1estrider commented 6 years ago

How do you apply .gz file?

arkypita commented 6 years ago

right click on custom button area and select "import" from menu


fantilator commented 6 years ago

My standard button to always start with is my "general reset"

It does a reset of my machine, does homing and then goes to the center of my table with focusing point on my tabletop.

$X (Reset Machine ) $H (Unlock ) M5 ( M05:Spindle Stop ) G91 ( G91:Incremental programming ) G0 X-510 y-460 Z-53.6 ( go to center of table ) G92 X0 Y0 Z0 ( Make this my work zero point G28.1 ( to ensure the machine goes back here) M3 S200 ( M03:Spindle On at 200mW for zeroing my workpiece )

StuartB4 commented 6 years ago

@fantilator. Interesting, do you have your Home set to the back right hand corner? Just wondered because these are negative numbers and would move the laser to the left and down the screen away from the usual Home position of bottom left corner.

G0 X-510 y-460 Z-53.6 ( go to center of table )

One more thing, isn't S200 a bit high, it will burn anything under it at that setting. It's not 200 mw, it's nearly full laser power when the maximum is 255.

fantilator commented 6 years ago

@StuartB4: indeed my homing position is back right corner Z in upper position. after the homing the laser indeed goes to left and backwards and downwards.

My max laser power is 8000mW, So i have setup in my GRBL settings (arduino code) that S8000 is my maximum. therefor S200 equals 200mW. all programs support this, otherwise I change the G-code itself.

StuartB4 commented 6 years ago

Ok fantilator. Thanks very much for the explanation, now I understand.

Focus3 commented 5 years ago

Good day,

just wanted to share a custom button for homing. What it does is set the idle delay to 1, so it can do the homing. Then when it homes the CNC it sets it to "Zero point" and after that the idle delay is set to 255. The reason why idle delay is usefull is that it can help prevent lost steps. It holds the stepper motors in place until the next step, thus elimination the efect of vibration.

$1 = 1 $H G92 X0 Y0 $1 = 255

Hope it helps.


dstronginaz commented 5 years ago

I am new to using an engraver and love what all have posted here. I would like to make a custom button to start the project. The small one up top, is just too small for a touch screen and I end up changing the number of passes.

GSNeko commented 5 years ago

Thank you all for sharing your custom buttons, they have been very helpful. I'm new at this but I've made this button that shows the center of the image for 3 seconds and returns to 0. I use it when I need a perfectly centered image on a circular piece.

$32=0 G0 X[left+width/2] Y[bottom+height/2] M4 S1 G4 P3 M5 G0 X0 Y0 F3000 $32=1

I'm using gcode for the first time, so let me know if there is something wrong.

StuartB4 commented 5 years ago

Hi GSNeko. Laser does not come on.

Try this.

$32=0 G0 X[left+width/2] Y[bottom+height/2] M4 S1 G4 P3 M5 G0 X0 Y0 F3000 $32=1

GSNeko commented 5 years ago

Thanks Stuart, It was working for me until I restarted LaserGRBL. I've solved it as you said. I'm editing mine so there are no mistakes.

StuartB4 commented 5 years ago

Ok GSNeko. Thats good, glad it worked.

adnanmitf09 commented 5 years ago

I have translated the tooltip of@Arhimed-Ru's custom buttons to English. Although icons are self explanatory, its a good idea to have tooltips in English if you don't understand Russian. PFA. Download:LaserGrbl-CustomButtons-Eng-Adnan

StuartB4 commented 5 years ago

@ adnanmitf09 There does'nt seem to be anything in the archive you linked to. It won't extract.

Stankovo commented 5 years ago

knopki Я немного переделал внешний вид кнопок, ближе к единому стилю. Могу поделится.

Stankovo commented 5 years ago

CustomButtons555.gz Мой набор кнопок. Не забудьте настроить под себя лазер.

Bazza1959 commented 5 years ago

can anyone give me an idea how to open these files. 7zip should but won't nor will zipware. I only want a button to turn on laser at minimal power to see where to align the work pieces and then turn off

Stankovo commented 5 years ago

Эти файлы открывать или распаковывать не нужно. Просто на панели, где расположены кнопки, на свободном месте, нажмите правую кнопку мыши и в контекстном меню выберите "Import". Выберите файл с расширением *.gz,а затем "OK". Начнут появляться запросы на размещение кнопок, вам нужно просто соглашаться. Когда последняя импортируется все кнопки появятся в панели. Данный архив сам распаковывается программой LASEgrbl.

These files do not need to be opened or unpacked. Just on the panel where the buttons are located, on the free space, click the right mouse button and select "Import"in the context menu. Select the file with the extension *.gz and then "OK". There will be requests for the placement of buttons, you just need to agree. When the latter is imported all the buttons will appear in the panel.

This archive unpacks itself program LASEgrbl.

Bazza1959 commented 5 years ago

thank you very much

alexdam92 commented 5 years ago

Hi, it's possible to change positions of every custom button? i Imported the wonderful Arhimed-Ru's custom buttons but i can't cange the positions... And for what i can use the zero position? Is not the same as world with hotspot button? (the third default button) Thanks Alex

Stankovo commented 5 years ago

Здравствуйте. Кнопки невозможно перемещать. Можно удалить лишние кнопки.

Stankovo commented 5 years ago

В команде x=0, y=0 нет команды z=0. Позиция Z не обнуляется.

alexdam92 commented 5 years ago

thanks so much Stankovo ;)

moorsey commented 5 years ago

Thanks for these, huge help having these extra features!

Quick one, I used "LaserGrbl-CustomButtons-Eng-Adnan.gz" Is there anyway of extracting the actual icon images? Tried opening the gz file, but not a valid archive.

Essentially, I want to rotate one of the icons (below) to use for another button. Would love them to all be the same style! sample