arkypita / Vigotech-VG-L7X

VG-L7X Vigotech engraver (WiFi model) resources and hack
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Decoding protocol #13

Open nekdfl opened 2 years ago

nekdfl commented 2 years ago

As far as I understood, the request for help was for decrypting a strange sequence of bytes. I was interested in the data, at the moment I plunged into the development of NetToUART (ws and telnet and the creation of a protocol for slow networks). Right now, I have assembled a structure on my desk that allows you to exchange directly between the ESP8266 and the arduino nano. There are no weird sequences. In fact, these are both esp8266 and arduino connected via ch340, so the recording went to 2 files and only the output could be recorded. In esp 8266, the project is based on your project / ESP8266-SerialTelnet and in arduino GRVL 1.1h Depending on the programming language in which the firmware is written, these random characters can be:

  1. An erroneous access to memory (either an uninitialized piece of memory was sent to UART) 2.reading the amount of memory more than allocated for the buffer (memory is read sequentially from the address, the specified number of bytes)
  2. UART goes into an inoperative state and rubbish just flies there, tk. transmission lines do not have pull-up resistors
  3. I do not know where and how the analyzer is in your circuit, but it can be both analyzer errors (when the transmission is out of sync), and exchange at the PC OS level (for example, due to interference and the PC re-requests data in this case), which hidden by the driver. It can also be a mistake of the analyzer (it worked with other buses: i2c, sleep and the like. Periodically unattached data arrived, and I filtered them separately, since the message length did not fit the data transfer protocol).

I did attach UART ports dump with timestamp. And photo how it was connected.

from_uart.txt to_uart.txt IMG_20211129_173123 )

nekdfl commented 2 years ago

I have one Wroom32 board. Can do test of firmware to completly confirm what it was trash. But please give me link to firmware and uploader program. I am linux PC(qt/c+/python/bash), network and embendeed engeineer.

arkypita commented 2 years ago

Hi @nekdfl You can find Vigotech firmware here:

nekdfl commented 2 years ago

Hi @arkypita I did upload to my ESP 32 (lolin d32) "VigoEsp32 3.0 Build 20200720.bin" from link above, but ESP32 don't wont work. It start wifi hotspot, but not detected by Vigo Works v3.32 and dont have web interface. But I still want to help. May be exists another link to firmware or anyone confirm what firmware at link above is work. If firmware is ok when need link to schema of board for what it was made.

arkypita commented 2 years ago

Hello @nekdfl I'm so sorry for not replying to you The firmware I linked was working for me in this hardware configuration that replicate the Vigo VGL7x hardware.

However I am no longer interested in learning more about the original vigo protocol because another user has developed a replacement firmware that cleans up the original Vigo firmware and makes the machine 100% grbl compatible, so thank you but there is no need to carry out these analyzes (unless you want to do it for fame and glory)