arleyandrada / PushClient

FREE and Open Source - Titanium PushClient Module
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Appcelerator 4.0 #88

Closed somefakeuser closed 9 years ago

somefakeuser commented 9 years ago

Oi Arley,

Tudo bem?

Sua biblioteca está preparada para o Appcelerator 4.0? No Android está ok. No IOS parece dar uns problemas.

Sabe se existe algum jeito de contornar?


somefakeuser commented 9 years ago

Ainda não fiz nenhum teste neste sentido.

Consegue detalhar o que são os "uns problemas"?

Vou verificar e se necessário irei liberar uma nova versão.

Obrigado pelo retorno.

somefakeuser commented 9 years ago
[ERROR] :  The application has crashed with an uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException'.

[ERROR] :  Reason:

[ERROR] :  -[TiApp application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x17576080

[ERROR] :  Stack trace:

[ERROR] :  

[ERROR] :  0   CoreFoundation                      0x2d48bf83 <redacted> + 130

[ERROR] :  1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x37c3cccf objc_exception_throw + 38

[ERROR] :  2   CoreFoundation                      0x2d48f917 <redacted> + 202

[ERROR] :  3   CoreFoundation                      0x2d48e0a1 <redacted> + 352

[ERROR] :  4   CoreFoundation                      0x2d3dd768 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 24

[ERROR] :  5   CorretorVIP                         0x002c7d8f CorretorVIP + 1957263

[ERROR] :  6   UIKit                               0x2ff2512b <redacted> + 466

[ERROR] :  7   UIKit                               0x2ff253bd <redacted> + 196

[ERROR] :  8   UIKit                               0x2fcadcf3 <redacted> + 990

[ERROR] :  9   UIKit                               0x2fcad851 <redacted> + 72

[ERROR] :  10  UIKit                               0x2fd11ca9 <redacted> + 616

[ERROR] :  11  GraphicsServices                    0x322c6aed <redacted> + 608

[ERROR] :  12  GraphicsServices                    0x322c66d7 <redacted> + 34

[ERROR] :  13  CoreFoundation                      0x2d456a67 <redacted> + 34

[ERROR] :  14  CoreFoundation                      0x2d456a03 <redacted> + 346

[ERROR] :  15  CoreFoundation                      0x2d4551d7 <redacted> + 1398

[ERROR] :  16  CoreFoundation                      0x2d3bfebf CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 522

[ERROR] :  17  CoreFoundation                      0x2d3bfca3 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 106

[ERROR] :  18  GraphicsServices                    0x322c5663 GSEventRunModal + 138

[ERROR] :  19  UIKit                               0x2fd0c14d UIApplicationMain + 1136

[ERROR] :  20  CorretorVIP                         0x000f3627 CorretorVIP + 38439

[ERROR] :  21  libdyld.dylib                       0x38149ab7 <redacted> + 2

[ERROR] :  *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[TiApp application:didReceiveRemoteNotification:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x17576080'

[ERROR] :  *** First throw call stack:

[ERROR] :  (0x2d48bf83 0x37c3cccf 0x2d48f917 0x2d48e0a1 0x2d3dd768 0x2c7d8f 0x2ff2512b 0x2ff253bd 0x2fcadcf3 0x2fcad851 0x2fd11ca9 0x322c6aed 0x322c66d7 0x2d456a67 0x2d456a03 0x2d4551d7 0x2d3bfebf 0x2d3bfca3 0x322c5663 0x2fd0c14d 0xf3627 0x38149ab7)

[LiveView] Client disconnected
somefakeuser commented 9 years ago


Desculpe. É um bug do LiveView. Com o liveview ativo, push notification não funciona.
