arlyxiao / best-practice

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javascript 技巧 - 保持简洁写法 #63

Open arlyxiao opened 3 years ago

arlyxiao commented 3 years ago

Null, Undefined, Empty checks

if(productName !== undefined || productName !== "" || productName !== null){

// Shorthand version

Multiple conditions

if (x === 'orange' || x === 'red' || x === 'gray') {
    // do something

if (['orange', 'red', 'gray'].includes(x)) {
    // do something


for (var i = 0; i < productsList.length; i++){
    // do things

//shorthand (to access the index)
for (let i in productsList){
    // do things
// or (to access productsList's elements)
for (let i of productsList){
    // do things

// or with foreach
productsList.forEach(element => {
    // do things

Implicit return

function getProductPrice() {
    return quantity * productPrice;

getProductPrice = price => quantity * productPrice;

Spread operator

const team = ['John', 'Adam', 'Yan'];

//- joining
const group = ['Sam', 'Chris', 'Sarah'].concat(team);
//- cloning
const newGroup = team.slice();

//- joining
const group = ['Sam', 'Chris', 'Sarah',];
//- cloning
const newGroup = [];

Arrow function

function welcomeMessage(name) {
    console.log('Welcome ', name);

welcomeMessage = name => console.log(name);

Template literal

// longhand
const winnerMsg = 'Congrats to the winner: ' + winnerName + ', you got a ' + gift;

// shorthand
const winnerMsg = `Congrats to the winner: ${winnerName}, you got a ${gift}`;

Multiple lines

// Longhand
const msg = 'Working in conjunction with humanitarian aid agencies,\n\t'
    + 'we have supported programmes to help alleviate human suffering. \n\t';

const msg = `Working in conjunction with humanitarian aid agencies,
we have supported programmes to help alleviate human suffering.`;


const animals = [
    { name: 'octopus', animalClass: 'invertebrates' },
    { name: 'shark', animalClass: 'fish' },
    { name: 'toad', animalClass: 'amphibians' },
    { name: 'snake', animalClass: 'reptiles' }

function findReptile(name){
    for(let i=0; i < animals.length; ++i){
        if(animals[i].animalClass === 'reptiles' && animals[i].name === name){
        return animals[i]

// Shorthand
findReptile = name => (
    animals.find(animal => animal.animalClass ==='reptiles' && === name)
