armadsen / ORSSerialPort

Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift macOS apps
MIT License
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Parsing ANSI coloured packets brings some unexpected behaviours #145

Open ilyamordasov opened 5 years ago

ilyamordasov commented 5 years ago

My serial has mixed data format, some of outputs has \[0;32m...\[0m, and some of them as a plain text.

func serialPortWasOpened(_ serialPort: ORSSerialPort) {
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "\\[0;3.{1}m.*\\[0m", options: [])
let descriptor = ORSSerialPacketDescriptor(regularExpression: regex, maximumPacketLength: 512, userInfo: nil)
        self.serialPort!.startListeningForPackets(matching: descriptor)

func serialPort(_ serialPort: ORSSerialPort, didReceivePacket packetData: Data, matching descriptor: ORSSerialPacketDescriptor) {
        if let string = NSString(data: packetData, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) {       
            textView.textStorage?.append(textView.appendANSIColoredText(string: string))
            print(">>> \(string) <<<")


extension NSTextView {
    func appendANSIColoredText(string: NSString) -> NSAttributedString {
        let color:NSColor;

        switch string {
            case _ where string.hasPrefix("[0;30m"): color = .black
            case _ where string.hasPrefix("[0;31m"): color = .red
            case _ where string.hasPrefix("[0;32m"): color = .green
            case _ where string.hasPrefix("[0;33m"): color = .yellow
            case _ where string.hasPrefix("[0;34m"): color = .blue
            case _ where string.hasPrefix("[0;35m"): color = .magenta
            case _ where string.hasPrefix("[0;36m"): color = .cyan
            case _ where string.hasPrefix("[0;37m"): color = .white
            case _ where string.hasPrefix("[0;39m"): color = .magenta
            default: color = .white
        let str = ( string.hasPrefix("\[0;3") ) ? string.substring(with: NSRange(location: 6, length: string.length-11)) as NSString : string as NSString

        let attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [
            .font: NSFont(name:"Menlo", size: 12.0) as Any,
            .foregroundColor: color
        return NSAttributedString(string: str as String, attributes: attributes)

My full output is here According the code you can see that data which were gotten via serialPort didReceivePacket have >>> <<< markers, but not all....

and it seems didReceivePacket makes async response, cause my output must end with

Type "help()" for more information.

But sometimes after these lines there are some additional text