armadsen / ORSSerialPort

Serial port library for Objective-C and Swift macOS apps
MIT License
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SerialPortDemo: Build succeeded but doesn't launch #187

Open richardklingler opened 1 year ago

richardklingler commented 1 year ago


Cloned the repo and opened the serial port demo....

Building finishes with "Build succeeded" in Xcode 14.1 but nothing happens afterwards...the serial port demo just doesn't launch at all....

Is this library supposed to work with recent macOS/Xcode versions?

aspdigital commented 1 year ago

Almost necroposting here, but I have the same problem. There's nothing in the build folder -- we expect to see an executable: Products/Debug/ORSSerialPortDemo but it doesn't exist, even as Xcode claims the build was a success. This is with Xcode 14.3.1.