armandomusto / Logistics

Logistic application
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batches not correctly working #17

Open craigcanavan opened 7 years ago

craigcanavan commented 7 years ago

Product = 101340 = 0 added receipt batch 12546 = 20 added receipt batch 98712 = 8

product available = 28

added order for = 13 from batch = 12546 remaining = 7
added order for = 4  from batch = 98712 remaining = 4

product available  =  11

added order 8867654 = 20 did not choose any batches.

batch 12546 = 7
batch 98712 = 4

product available = 11  

order 8867654 = 20  (on hold)

added another shipment to receipt batch 887777 = 10 

selected batch 12546 / 98712 in pop up

So batch 12546  = 7 
and batch 98712 = 4 

So ideally what should of happened is the order on hold for 20 units should of taken 7 from batch 12546, 4 from batch 98712
and 9 from latest batch 88777 leaving one in the latest batch 887777.

But instead it has taken 20 from batch 887777 and now batch 887777 is -20
product 101340