Closed The-going closed 1 week ago
Igor, I understand that I want to hurry up. But we have a remaining inconsistency in the scripts when searching for DTB for the board and overlay files.
But we have a remaining inconsistency
Oh? I understand that it works now? As I reverted overlay handling to previous state. Is "current" kernel on both working correctly? This is target for release. Edge we can deal with later.
But we have a remaining inconsistency
Oh? I understand that it works now? As I reverted overlay handling to previous state. Is "current" kernel on both working correctly? This is target for release. Edge we can deal with later.
I'll check it out. And I will try to fix the scripts for sunxi so that they are universal.
In other words, we still have a difference in paths:
in files:
And we have different kernels in our repositories, which place their files in different paths:
If the user freezes the kernel, but at the same time updates the BSP package, the download script will change. Conversely, if he installs only a new core, then get a non-bootable board.
Today I will test the current one and try to make the situation easier and make the script more versatile.
Is "current" kernel on both working correctly?
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v24.11 rolling for Banana Pi M3 running Armbian Linux 6.6.60-current-sunxi
Packages: Debian stable (bookworm)
leo@bananapim3:~$ armbianmonitor -m
Two CPU clusters are available for monitoring
Stop monitoring using [ctrl]-[c]
Time CPU_cl0/CPU_cl1 load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq Tcpu C.St.
16:09:22 768/ 576 MHz 0.13 5% 2% 2% 0% 0% 0% 45,3 °C 0/5
Close 7456 reference: AR-2529
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