armdevvel / mxe-SHARED

MXE (M cross environment) for ARM32 Windows development (shared libraries)
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Suggestions for apps to bring in? #56

Open treeswift opened 8 months ago

treeswift commented 8 months ago

Historically, MXE has been a project "by developers, for developers", and its mission statement explicitly mentions "libraries" rather than ready-to-use consumer applications. Whatever the original reasons for that decision might have been, there are many good reasons to deviate from that in Rakko:

  1. Original MXE targets the Intel Windows ecosystem, arguably the most end user app-rich environment on the market. Rakko targets an underserved ecosystem in an attempt to make it useful.
  2. Currently, many recipes for building various apps for RT are scattered tribal knowledge that would only benefit from bringing it under version control.
  3. As we improve our CI, deployment and remote debugging tools, it would be stupid not to leverage them for end user apps as well.
  4. We ourselves, as developers, will benefit from "canary" apps that would readily reveal flaws in our porting work and areas of desired improvement (e.g. performance-wise). While our moonshot goal can be roughly summarized as "a browser capable of playing YouTube videos", it's good to have applications heavily dependent on each of the major frameworks or multitools in our collection — i.e. Qt, GTK, image processing tools, etc., etc.

So we are asking for input from everyone interested:

  1. Anything you simply want running on RT.
  2. Anything that already exists on RT but needs a magic incantation to get built (e.g. @pahaze knows quite a few).
  3. Anything that already exists on RT but lacks speed or functionality.
  4. (developers, developers…) Anything that would be a good demonstration example of some library, toolkit or framework of real value. Of course, toolkits and frameworks may itself fall into groups 1-3.
  5. "I want something for… (painting, video editing, circuit modeling, visual programming for kids, name it)" — so that we ourselves looked for an open source application that, while providing the needed features, would be easiest to port.

All suggestions are welcome — even if not all of them can be satisfied for technical or legal reasons, or simply for lack of manpower.

treeswift commented 8 months ago

We may want to convert this issue to a sticky discussion post. (My own reluctance to use Discussions was only due to the fact that it's new GitHub functionality that some people might not be familiar with.)