armish / coffeewheel

D3 Coffee Wheel visualization ported to R via htmlwidgets framework
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The widget does not work with the 0.3.3 version of htmlwidgets framework #2

Closed armish closed 9 years ago

armish commented 9 years ago

Here is the latest change in htmlwidgets that causes the problem:

here is some more information kindly provided by @happyshows:

The current coffeewheel is compatible with htmlwidgets versions >= 0.2.2 and <= 0.3.2.

happyshows commented 9 years ago

More information, I encountered the following error msg when I migrate to 0.3.3

Note: the specification for S3 class “AsIs” in package ‘jsonlite’ seems equivalent to one from package ‘RJSONIO’: not turning on duplicate class definitions for this class.

happyshows commented 9 years ago

@armish I have updated htmlwidgets to 0.4.0 and the problem seems to go away. Hence I'm closing this issue.

armish commented 9 years ago

Thanks for following up on this @happyshows -- closing the issue as you suggested.