armleo / OpenLane

OpenLane is an automated RTL to GDSII flow based on several components including OpenROAD, Yosys, Magic, Netgen, Fault and custom methodology scripts for design exploration and optimization.
Apache License 2.0
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Guidelines for Writing Style and Consistency #3

Open dralabeing opened 2 years ago

dralabeing commented 2 years ago

Please pay attention to the following writing styles for consistency, brevity.

armleo commented 2 years ago

Use active voice - e.g Do this as opposed to this should be done. Avoid saying "Let's" , Commands that are differentiated by font need not be explained as Type etc. Done.

Create a standard for instructions, commands, Notes, Warnings, Error Messages- These should be differentiated using proper markdown demarcations such as spaces, Indentations etc.

I am not sure if I did this correctly. Please take a look and provide feedback if I did make

Keep trademarks consistent


Refer to this section for Grammar and Abbreviations etc we did for OpenROAD for examples"

Use simple, short sentences

I tried to follow it. If I missed some, please point out, so I can fix it.

This type of messaging should not be Done.

Please take a look at the current variant and let me know if it's not the way you wanted it.

Mandatory steps should not be a warning. They should have their own special notifier not to be confused with Warnings.

Done. Used Important

Spellcheck, spellcheck... Please!


dralabeing commented 1 year ago

Guidelines since this is a template for writing and will be part of final review and completion. It should not be marked closed until final milestones are approved.