armory3d / armory

3D Engine with Blender Integration
zlib License
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Image sequence animations? #2651

Open SumArtSoul opened 2 years ago

SumArtSoul commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm exploring using high resolution 2d assets like targetting gles2 / WebGL on the low end. Atlassing per action (idle, run, etc) is one way to avoid hardware limits (phones and legacy iGPU) using the linked art. Another may be to load and unload by image / frame especially once enemy and level art is in play.

Thoughts? Production frames will follow the subject001.png subject002.png naming convention. How would you switch between images to animate in current armory? I looked but am not sure how to use or uniforms for this.

Edit: has string inputs for the image name. How to zero pad an integer in string nodes?

t3du commented 1 year ago

if you want to use animated images in armory you could use this node, i really dont know if this is exactly what you want image