armtronix / Wifi-Triac-SSR

Wifi board based on triac ,Wifi board based on SSR details and code
13 stars 16 forks source link

Fritzing or Circuit diagram #1

Open tdmrhn opened 8 years ago

tdmrhn commented 8 years ago

Hi, nice project will you share fritzing & circuit diagram.

armtronix commented 8 years ago

Fritzing don't use much. But will add wiring diagram using some other tool . Schematic is standard schematic of node mcu + Triac based dimmer circuit connected to gpio 13(triac gate through opto coupler moc3021) and gpio 12 is connected to a bridge circuit with an opto (mct2e) which is a standard circuit . Also want to add proper credit so once I am slightly free will do that .Most of the ssr code is based on this great guys code( .Triac dimmer part I have added .