armzilla / amazon-echo-ha-bridge

emulates philips hue api to other home automation gateways
Apache License 2.0
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How do you make the devices persistent #75

Closed attzonko closed 7 years ago

attzonko commented 8 years ago

It seems that the device list gets lost when the machine running the bridge is rebooted.

Is there any way to preserve the device list across a reboot? Is there a directory which has the device data?

friedpenguin commented 7 years ago

I've never lost devices from rebooting. Just have to restart the service.

attzonko commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the comment @notanatheist that helps me understand my issue better. So my guess is that it stores the devices on the hard disk somewhere. And because I am using this on my NAS which uses a ram disk for the OS that file is getting lost on a reboot. Any ideas what file or where it is being stored, and if it is possible to provide a custom path?

attzonko commented 7 years ago

Ok I figured it out. The elasticsearch data store was being created straight of of '/' as /data/elasticsearch. This was because I was executing the jar in a separate screen session with:

/opt/sbin/screen -d -m -S amazon_bridge java -jar /share/MD0_DATA/custom/amazon-echo-ha-bridge/amazon-echo-bridge-0.2.1.jar --upnp.config.address= --server.port=8083

The fix for me was to first change the working directory and then execute the jar:

/opt/sbin/screen -d -m -S amazon_bridge -- sh -c "cd /share/MD0_DATA/custom/amazon-echo-ha-bridge && java -jar /share/MD0_DATA/custom/amazon-echo-ha-bridge/amazon-echo-bridge-0.2.1.jar --upnp.config.address= --server.port=8083"