armzilla / amazon-echo-ha-bridge

emulates philips hue api to other home automation gateways
Apache License 2.0
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Error spark.webserver.MatcherFilter #91

Open bluezr11 opened 7 years ago

bluezr11 commented 7 years ago

So far this past week I've factory reset a harmony hub, one of my Unifi AP's and reinstalled the OS along with the Ha-Bridge on a pi2. Everything works fine except I can't get Harmony to connect to the Ha-bridge -- it was fine until I updated the harmony hub. The Ha-Bridge is fine with connecting with Harmony Just not the other way around.

I noticed that the problem people were having was with the Ha-bridge connecting to Harmony. Does anyone have the Harmony connected to the Ha-bridge? Meaning that you use a harmony remote to control vera scenes with the use of the Ha-bridge. When I click on scan for devices on wifi it will find the Harmony Hub, after I click on it the screen comes up saying to press the center button on the hue bridge to pair with the harmony hub. After a minute or so it will come up with an error unable to pair with device.

Checking the log on the Ha-bridge it keeps repeating itself with an error spark.webserver.MatcherFilter.

If I'm the only one that's having this problem I'll keep at it, but I'm pulling my teeth out over here. I would appreciate it if someone can tell me that they get the same error or if there's is working.

Thank you,

bluezr11 commented 7 years ago

This is what I get in the log when they're attempting to connect to one another

12-03-2016 03:48:03.169 ERROR spark.webserver.MatcherFilter 12-03-2016 03:48:03.195 INFO Traceupnp: isSSDPDiscovery found message to be an M-SEARCH message. com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener 12-03-2016 03:48:03.196 INFO Traceupnp: isSSDPDiscovery found message to be valid under strict rules - strict: true com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener 12-03-2016 03:48:03.196 INFO Traceupnp: SSDP packet from, body: M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1 HOST: MAN: "ssdp:discover" MX: 2 ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1


12-03-2016 03:48:03.198 INFO Traceupnp: sendUpnpResponse discovery responseTemplate1 is <<<HTTP/1.1 200 OK HOST: CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100 EXT: LOCATION: SERVER: Linux/3.14.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.15.0 hue-bridgeid: B827EBFFFE92AAE6 ST: upnp:rootdevice USN: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-b827eb92aae6::upnp:rootdevice

com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener 12-03-2016 03:48:03.199 INFO Traceupnp: sendUpnpResponse discovery responseTemplate2 is <<<HTTP/1.1 200 OK HOST: CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100 EXT: LOCATION: SERVER: Linux/3.14.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.15.0 hue-bridgeid: B827EBFFFE92AAE6 ST: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-b827eb92aae6 USN: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-b827eb92aae6

com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener 12-03-2016 03:48:03.200 INFO Traceupnp: sendUpnpResponse discovery responseTemplate3 is <<<HTTP/1.1 200 OK HOST: CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100 EXT: LOCATION: SERVER: Linux/3.14.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.15.0 hue-bridgeid: B827EBFFFE92AAE6 ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1 USN: uuid:2f402f80-da50-11e1-9b23-b827eb92aae6

com.bwssystems.HABridge.upnp.UpnpListener 12-03-2016 03:48:04.328 DEBUG httpMethod:get, uri: /api/9c6986c52c754dfd83c9a875d5c025fb/lights spark.webserver.MatcherFilter 12-03-2016 03:48:04.329 INFO Traceupnp: hue lights list requested: 9c6986c52c754dfd83c9a875d5c025fb from com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.HueMulator 12-03-2016 03:48:04.329 DEBUG hue lights list requested: 9c6986c52c754dfd83c9a875d5c025fb from com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.HueMulator 12-03-2016 03:48:04.332 ERROR spark.webserver.MatcherFilter